150 SantiJames Comments

  • Cannon Variety Pack 20mm-128mm 5.2 years ago

    I just would like to say thanks, also there never was a 76mm cannon technically. The "76" cannon used by the US were actually just 75mm in diameter, but they referred to them as 76 so that people would not accidentally give the wrong ammo for the new "76" mm cannons as the new ammo was longer and much more powerful.

  • Variable wing 5.1 years ago

    I love the mod. I used it to build myself a Do 335 B-2. Although its not the best looking Do 335 the wings really make it look more realistic.

  • Goodbye, possibly... 3.9 years ago

    I have had many flash flood warnings when I lived in Arizona and some in the DFW area in Texas, Flash Floods aren't really deadly unless your in a really really low part of your area. Most places that get Flash floods often enough will have a water level gauge near the low areas of roads as well. A flash flood is most dangerous if you leave your house and drive, as it can cause your car to lose control. Flash floods can be deadly indoors if it actually reaches up to the outlet, but besides that, just stay in an elevated area or indoors, and if it gets really bad even indoors go to the attic or roof.

  • Do 335 B-2 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 I made a new and much more improved version. The wings can no longer be seen when you move the rudder, elevator, or ailerons. I also made a few things more details, like custom landing gears and more realistic wing mounted 30mm guns that look a lot more like the ones on the real Do. Thanks for the advice, I will keep trying to improve my creations.

  • T51 5.0 years ago

    What bodies ;)

  • Do 335 B-2 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 For some reason when I do it, the wing pieces just barely allows the aircraft to roll. Is there a way to fix that? Also I did and still keep trying to use the fuselage for the wings but it just does not look as good as its not as customizable as the variable wings. The problem is the wings on the IRL Do 335 are fairly complex, and the best way to make it as accurate as possible would involve hundreds of hundreds of very small fuselage blocks to get it looking good, while only a few with the variable wings.

  • T51 5.0 years ago

    @Shnippy Lol, TBH, I just call it acceptable casualties

  • Do 335 B-2 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thanks
    Ya I noticed how you did it, you just hide a tiny scaled down wing piece into the custom control surfaces. Thanks again for all the support. This community has been amazing so far, and the game is pretty great and allows me to build almost anything.

  • Do 335 B-2 5.0 years ago

    On second thought, is there a way you could show me how to make custom control surfaces? TBH I don't know how to do it properly.

  • Do 335 B-2 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 Oh, I assume in order to make custom flaps, you have to use wing parts and use a small rotor or hinge rotor to turn it into flaps and such. I was thinking of doing that later, but I am not really sure. Thanks for the offer though.

  • CPSF Mk-II 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thanks

  • Do 335 B-2 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 Also thanks for liking it. I think its one of my best aircraft builds. As for paint, I was not sure what to paint it, but I think I have something in mind, so It may receive some paint soon

  • Do 335 B-2 5.0 years ago

    @Mustang51 I am using a custom keybind for my joystick, so I dont know if i messed up any of the controls when doing so. All my vehicles controls are set to the way I prefer.

  • Variable wing 5.1 years ago

    @FutureSkylines No they do not, they have no physics, it is stated in the instructions. They are for cosmetic purpose from what I can tell.

  • New Challenge?? Whaaaaaaa????(Read description plz) 5.1 years ago

    I actually built a cannon powered aircraft a few weeks ago but it was meh. When I saw this comp, I decided I would revisit it, and make improvements, vast improvements.

  • Q&A with BlackBoA 5.1 years ago

    @Gameboi14 alright thanks

  • Q&A with BlackBoA 5.1 years ago

    @Gameboi14 Holy moly I am an idiot for not noticing that sooner. thanks again

  • Q&A with BlackBoA 5.1 years ago

    @Gameboi14 Alright thanks Ill try that

  • Q&A with BlackBoA 5.1 years ago

    @Gameboi14 I have discovered multiple islands yet get no option to spawn at them. For example I have discovered maywar but I still have no option to spawn there.

  • Q&A with BlackBoA 5.1 years ago

    Is it possible to spawn on other runways? I am new to the game, If you cant already tell lol, but I have played other similar games like kerbal, stormworks, and a few other building/sim games. With those games you have the option to spawn your creations in different locations, but so far I cant find that function in simpleplanes, if it even has that ability.