465 Sapiling21 Comments

  • My A6M3 zero 5.8 years ago

    I downloaded the zero

  • Koolven Ki-5 5.8 years ago

    @IplaywRthunder23 ok

  • [TSAD] A320 AirFrance 6.7 years ago

    This plane literally look like those plane models of of aerofly nice build!

  • Hawker-Griffon Mk-ll 6.8 years ago

    Forgot to mention that it is also armed with 2x 7.7mm machine guns for sighting purposes!

  • P-78 black snake(load out 2) 7.2 years ago

    With all that being said yes sir I did

  • P-78 black snake(load out 2) 7.2 years ago

    Sense the new editing update has came I have been able to make many decals and this is one of them.

  • GBD gunter Mk-l (bomber load 2) 7.2 years ago

    Sorry about that,it is designed to fly fast low and straight.You are able to modify the plane to your appreciation!!enjoy.

  • B-28 hulk 7.2 years ago

    To work the parachute press ag 1 for front guns ag 2 for cheek guns ag 3 for top gun ag 4 and fro back gun ag 5.PS Bombay doors are trim!!