1,125 SaturnV Comments

  • Uh Oh... 6.5 years ago


  • [Solved :-) ] SP loss its sound this morning 6.4 years ago

    Right click on the volume icon in the taskbar, and select "Sounds", then go to the PlayBack tab to see if your speaker is working. If that is fine, then right-click the volume icon in the taskbar click volume mixer. Then look if SP is muted. If that's fine, then go to SP and select settings and make sure your sound is up. That's all I know of.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 6.5 years ago

    780th vote1

  • Simply 1940s memory 6.5 years ago

    @QingyuZhou Add a bazooka! :P

  • I don't feel I should be posting... 6.6 years ago

    I remember you, I was saturn28 from 2.5 years ago, and Jupiter 28 before saturn28 3.4 years ago

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.0 years ago

    Wow, as spefyjerbf said, I am surprised I never saw this. I am glad now though. Probably the best build I have seen that is under 1000 parts. And that part count is awesome! :P

  • Takswagen Landsman Crossback 6.0 years ago

    Oooh very nice indeed!
    Love the design!

  • my best airplane ever 6.3 years ago

    Ignore the comments below. You tried and made something you like, dont worry! :)

  • Past, present........ and death? 6.4 years ago

    It's not what the community can do for you, its what you can do for the community.
    You see is that "Nothing Gold Can Stay". Life has to move on and eventually, things will change whether or not we like it or not. So trust BlazeInfinity its fine. We ALL will have to move on one day from the life or games and stuff and face reality. So I think, we should not worry about the website and the users leaving that bring that sort of vibe to the community.

  • It’s Muh Birthday ! 6.4 years ago

    Ooof, I am turning 18 this December 28th

  • It’s Muh Birthday ! 6.4 years ago

    Happy Birthday!
    Heres some cake: 🎂🍰

  • #PrayForJT610 6.4 years ago

    @ForeverPie @BoeyingOfficial It cannot be a hydraulic failure. Cause the 737 was built that even without a RAT (ram air turbine) and loss of hydraulic power it could be controlled through mechanical linkages. The B737 flight controls are hydraulically powered.
    There are three hydraulic systems: System A, System B, and Standby. Only one main system (A or B) is required for hydraulically flying the aircraft, during normal operation, they are both operational.
    The two main hydraulic systems have an Engine Driven Pump (EDP), which can continue delivering hydraulic pressure when the associated engine is windmilling. All three hydraulic systems are also powered by their own Electric Motor Driven Pump (EMDP).
    In the case of dual engine failure, the APU can power the electrical systems for the EMDPs, still delivering full hydraulic power.
    If the fuel has run out and the APU cannot operate, two batteries provide at least 60 minutes of backup power for the electrical systems. The EDMPs can be powered in this stage, however, they provide a high load.
    If all fuel is gone and the batteries are depleted, the aircraft can be flown by hand, directly overcoming the aeroforces by pulling hard! This is called manual reversion.
    In manual reversion, the aileron trim tabs now function as geared tabs, assisting in overcoming the aeroforces. Elevators will have high aeroforces, high friction forces, and free play around a center point. Stabilizer trim wheels provide additional pitch control. The rudder has no manual reversion. Plus if the hydraulics did fail, the aircraft cannot plummet so suddenly like that. On FlightRadar24, it showed the 737 descending at -7500ft/min. I don't think this issue has to do with the plane. I fear worse happened, and I really hope its not this. I think you know what I may be thinking that happened...

  • You won’t belive this bait 6.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Dang it, I thought it will appear in front of me, lol.

  • If SimplePlanes was made by EA 6.4 years ago

    Ug, it hurts me seeing them priced, luckly EA didnt make this game

  • 4 very sad numbers 6.5 years ago

    Lol, I have 1010 hours

  • My Cat is Probably Getting Euthanized 6.6 years ago

    Aww, sorry about the uneasy moment.
    Don't feel bad, you are doing the right thing, which is putting him or her out pain with no harm. Sorry, but that life.

  • Stalker WWI Biplane (Fictional) 4.5 years ago

    @SodiumChloride Appreciate the upvote bud. Thank you :-)

  • Boeing 777-200ER United Airlines 4.9 years ago

    Wow I love it!

  • A really bad landing video 5.0 years ago

    Putting the 777 through her paces!

  • Shooting Worm Game 2.0 5.1 years ago

    Oh my goodness, this brings back fearful memories of this thing plaguing the website :P Lol nice one

  • Michael Jackson--Smooth Criminal 5.1 years ago

    lmao this is awesome though! Love it!

  • Michael Jackson--Smooth Criminal 5.1 years ago

    Annie are u ok

  • SP Part Physics Be Like: 5.1 years ago

    My ears have reached a new level of enlightenment. K E K

  • More 777X Action (LandingGear, wings) 5.1 years ago

    Awesome! My favorite plane!

  • AD-7-100 Ver.2 5.1 years ago

    Well worth the spotlight and upvote! Great work!

  • Fairchild Metro III 5.8 years ago

    Old but gold! Nice work

  • 'Murican Mad Dog 5.8 years ago

    Also, I live 4 miles north of DFW's 17R approach, and since DFW is one of the AA's largest hub, I see a lot of these MD80's screaming in and out, and they are at most 2300ft or so above my house. Very nice plane! Sad to see them phase out slowly.

  • 'Murican Mad Dog 5.8 years ago

    @QingyuZhou Amazing as always m8! Keep it up! :-)

  • Airbus A330-300 China Eastern 5.8 years ago

    Man, awesome plane! The A330 and 777 are the two aircraft when buttered, look so good cause their wheels are so god darn nice. The A330 has this very high angle on its wheels, and the 777 has 3 + 3 setup making it soooooo satisfying, lol

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 5.8 years ago

    Can someone help me with my mp?
    I reinstalled a new version
    And yet when I connect to
    Nothing happens
    I check the dev log and nothing shows there
    I am a bit confused on why thats the case
    It was working perfectly a few months ago
    Plus I even try loading first, then going to the dev log and typing (without the quotes) "Connect"
    But doing that just leaves a message at the top saying connecting to
    But never says connecting to a room like it use to say for me once
    I have checked my router and everything is fine there too
    Soo I am really cornered as to what to do

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.0 years ago

    No worries :-)

  • Lexair 350 Skyliner 6.0 years ago

    Wow, this is amazing bro!
    Keep it up :D

  • RYMA Millenium C3 6.1 years ago

    @RYMA232Aeronautics No worries!

  • RYMA Millenium C3 6.1 years ago

    Love it!

  • Curvy curve of the curves. 6.1 years ago

    Thats sweet looking!

  • Takswagen Saturn Retroflash 6.2 years ago

    Oooh, Saturn.
    Nice work!

  • Exactly 2000 points 6.3 years ago

    Noot anymore xD
    Congrats though!

  • Boeing 777-267 (N7771) 1994 Boeing House Colors 6.3 years ago

    @Blue0Bull f a c e p a l m

  • My Fastest Car 2 6.4 years ago

    A game inside a game...
    Amazing work!
    You have a amazing skill!

  • Scout Forester 6.4 years ago

    As @RalifanEthan says:
    Sweet Beans!
    Great work!

  • Sukhoi mini-flanker 6.4 years ago

    Thx so much for the push to silver
    Really appreciate it m8!

  • Yay 4,444 Points 6.4 years ago

    Not anymore that I upvoted
    I am so close to silver :D


    Get my tickets!!!
    Hell ya!!!
    I am waiting for the moment

  • Simple Tractor 6.4 years ago


  • The Impossible Maze 6.4 years ago


  • Kai-Tak Fly-In Screenshots 6.4 years ago

    @Chancey21 2

  • Kai-Tak Fly-In Screenshots 6.4 years ago

    Btw: I am Saturn28

  • Model 100 6.4 years ago

    Heheh, I can spotlight you, xD
    Nice work!
    I think its a great plane!

  • Stalker WWI Biplane (Fictional) 6.4 years ago

    Thanks bud, appreciate the help! :)

  • Lamborghini Jalpa 1982 1:1 6.4 years ago

    Wow! Superb!
