@screechy its ok😁 Glad to hear, if I can help someone with my build😄
When I made this plane myself, I had difficulty making the third engine part,
and I used engine parts from other people's planes,
So if you want to do the same with my plane, that's no problem, I don't mind, 😁
Im sorry for my English, im not speak English well, hope you understand
@Rio300 i dont know what are you saying,When you use translate, it doesn't translate well,
Just copy it
@Justanormalindonesianguy2 wkwkwk 10 hari, btw bang kalo begitu masalahnya, lu kasi aja inlet kecil di mesin yang bermasalah, trus supaya ga keliatan, inlet nya geserin ke dalem mesin nya
kalo masi gabisa juga, lu geserin aja mesin yang di atas sayap ke dalem body,
@PedjoeangPatriot iyaaa, saya udh coba, cuma karna itu tuh 1 bagian jadi pas di cut ga pas, trus kalo bikin ngambil bagian baru, juga jdi nonjol ga rata, jadi saya memutuskan untuk tidak memakai merahnya, dan saya pikir, kalo saya tambahin merah di depan, itu artinya di bagian sayap juga harus ada merah, dan maap saya org nya pemalas🥲jadii yaaa....
@AF1 dh gw dm, dm ntu yang pojok kanan atas, tempat pesan, ayi baaanh saya butuh informasinya
Ni gw mo upload pesawat, cm keknya butuh foto di deskripsi buat info lebih lanjut tentang pesawatnya,
Btw, gw bikin pesawat DRF Upin Ipin makanya gw kek butuh foto buat di deskripsi
@AF1 gada discord tpi setelah lu kasi tau cara buat kasj foto mungkin gw bkl download, gw nyari di ig adanya nkstraaa2, btw gw yg rfs playerind kalo itu beneran akun lu.
Gw gabisa kirim pesan soalnya lu blm follback, harus follback dlu bjir
@AF1 bang, boleh minta akun sosmed ga bang
Nii gw bingung cara kasi foto ke deskripsi,
Buat dari foto trus dijadiin link nya gimana,
Gw nyari yutub kga nemu,
Instagram ato Facebook dh, biar bisa kirim screenshot
Jadi ini apaan
+1Eyyy make an DAF XG+ please 😁, its a cool truck dude
+1@RangersSP wkwkwkwk nilai banh
Jadi ranger ssp anjir,
+1Gw nyari AF1 kga ada
Thanks to @ALRX for inspiring me in the decoration part🙏
@Rio300 aaa did you meant description?
How to put pictures in the description is
First, you copy the photo link
And then in description you text like this
![](link photo)
@screechy its ok😁 Glad to hear, if I can help someone with my build😄
When I made this plane myself, I had difficulty making the third engine part,
and I used engine parts from other people's planes,
So if you want to do the same with my plane, that's no problem, I don't mind, 😁
Im sorry for my English, im not speak English well, hope you understand
@Rio300 i dont know what are you saying,When you use translate, it doesn't translate well,
Just copy it
@ZerkkOtakuGuy yooo thankyou
+1I should have created the window first before uploading 😔, shoot I forgot that
Eyy how you got the mod on Android?
And if i go to mods page, There is no download button for Android at all
BTW ITS SUCH A COOL PLNE dudeeee, i like the cockpit glasses,
+1@Trainzo thankyou😁
@TheTankMuseum2005 yeaaa it is🔥🔥🔥🔥
@UnitedStatesofAmerica yooooo🔥🔥🔥🔥
@MuriloYourPaintMaker hahaa😅 thankyou
@AtlasAir747MyBeloved yoooo dudee, You're right, it's on the front page now
Love that nose, 🤩 and the cockpit glasses
+1@AtlasAir747MyBeloved its ok,
But, wdym fornt page?
@Justanormalindonesianguy2 wkwkwk 10 hari, btw bang kalo begitu masalahnya, lu kasi aja inlet kecil di mesin yang bermasalah, trus supaya ga keliatan, inlet nya geserin ke dalem mesin nya
kalo masi gabisa juga, lu geserin aja mesin yang di atas sayap ke dalem body,
@MuriloYourPaintMaker eyy thanks,😁
Yoo cool bro, keep it up🔥🔥
@HariTheSnakk aaaa i see, i agree with you, when i remember the old episodes, its better
+3miss that time🙂
@Monarchii yeaa thankyou😁😄
@TRS051 aowkwowk, mendapatkan inspirasi baang
+1@HariTheSnakk mmmm sorry, what?
+1@BYardley horray😅
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 hhee😃thank you
@LunarEclipseSP 😄sure, thankyou😁
+1@QuiteInactiveWhiteBread 😄thankyou
Cool🔥🔥🔥keep it up
@DISHWASHER2005 so do i
@Metalpipe223 It's in the Ultraman Ribut episode
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Malay version
@ShinyGemsBro 😅As far as I know, airliner are planes for passengers, is it?
But this. This ummm i think kinda like military
@PedjoeangPatriot iyaaa, saya udh coba, cuma karna itu tuh 1 bagian jadi pas di cut ga pas, trus kalo bikin ngambil bagian baru, juga jdi nonjol ga rata, jadi saya memutuskan untuk tidak memakai merahnya, dan saya pikir, kalo saya tambahin merah di depan, itu artinya di bagian sayap juga harus ada merah, dan maap saya org nya pemalas🥲jadii yaaa....
+1@AF1 iya wkwkkw thanks ya
@ZerkkZxe hhaaa, 😄mantap Malaysia
+2@WritersCrusadersAirCo 😄hhaa thanks
Yo what the f
@AF1 dh gw dm, dm ntu yang pojok kanan atas, tempat pesan, ayi baaanh saya butuh informasinya
Ni gw mo upload pesawat, cm keknya butuh foto di deskripsi buat info lebih lanjut tentang pesawatnya,
Btw, gw bikin pesawat DRF Upin Ipin makanya gw kek butuh foto buat di deskripsi
@AF1 udh bang,
+1@AF1 gada discord tpi setelah lu kasi tau cara buat kasj foto mungkin gw bkl download, gw nyari di ig adanya nkstraaa2, btw gw yg rfs playerind kalo itu beneran akun lu.
+1Gw gabisa kirim pesan soalnya lu blm follback, harus follback dlu bjir
@AF1 bang, boleh minta akun sosmed ga bang
+1Nii gw bingung cara kasi foto ke deskripsi,
Buat dari foto trus dijadiin link nya gimana,
Gw nyari yutub kga nemu,
Instagram ato Facebook dh, biar bisa kirim screenshot
@L3FT2R1GHT And it also has, AG 1 to deploy the parachute
@LJh1 thanks😁
+1@NightRaven2233 😁thanks,
Knp ada mesin disitu?
I remember GTA🙂
+1@AF1 hooh,
+1btw namalu afwan?, ya soalnya itu akun lu af1
Dan lu umur,?
apa kita seumuran?