150 SchmoovestoftheSchmoove
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It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Lockheed Martin
Wow I did not realize the length of that name
Mi Brain, es ist muy Schmoove
Thanks to SP's ability to export the models, most my posts on here will have been originally made to be transferred to potential game projects. SP is surprisingly helpful with this too as it has pretty good physics so it works as "proof of functionality"
Most my planes will have real-life counterparts, usually with resemblance but many issues/flaws in the design. This is because I suck at building stuff in SP. My most notable examples would be the Keto MiG-23 series and SF-31/33/35 series.
Its gonna be like maybe 3/4 with the last one being a shitpost of an aircraft (much like every single VTOL on here will be)
Do I make lore or smth?
Any aircraft posted here unless explicitly meant to be a direct counterpart of a real aircraft is a part of one of two companies:
The Prygozhnya Design Bureau (JS series)
The Eagle Dynamics Aircraft Corporation (XF Series)
These two aircraft companies build aircraft primarily for the fictional nation known as the USSE (United Socialist States of Exeron), a northern nation that had been neutral in conflict up until the late 20th century, with little to no military-industrial complex. Exeron's Secretary General of the time gave a grant to two senior aircraft designers from the civil company Aerodyne. These two designers, Dmitry Prygozhnya and Johnathon Thomas-Jefferson Washington. Rather than holding aircraft trials between the companies, they rather tasked the two with fulfilling a certain area of air combat. Prygozhnya was tasked with the development of heavier - but maneuverable - fighters for the Exeronian Specialist Airial Service, a subsidiary of the Exeronian Air Force for their more exemplary pilots. Despite this, Eagle Dynamics' aircraft are still well respected, as they've developed lighter fighter aircraft for multiple nations, and while Prygozhnya isn't really exclusive, Eagle Dynamics' superior pricing made them very popular in the international markets.
The Exeronian Air Force includes three major branches:
The ESDAF - The portion that is meant to guard Exeron itself, primarily operating Rear Wing-Canard aircraft (such as the JS-40) due to the quicker times to takeoff from a standby position. They also operate many VTOLs, though the only one with Forward Sweeping Wings would be the XF-27C (Keto MiG-23 IV)
The EAS - Exeron's lesser air force. While not as prestigious as the ESAS those accepted into the EAS still deserved a large level of merit. Primarily operating aircraft from Eagle Dynamic, the EAS is the most commonly seen of their air force, as Exeron has maintained friendly ties to its neighbors. The EAS provides homeland defense, though they most commonly see service in nations significantly further away.
The ESAS - The most prestigious and Exeron's last line of both defense and offense, most ESAS pilots are high ranking officers and officials within the military, though many aviators just out of flight school are accepted due to exemplary performance. The ESAS attempts to stay relatively incognito, only ever seen during major military operations and unofficially during Project Desert Inferno, where there were multiple reports of Paladins sending XALRMs at hidden enemy positions. These pilots are selected from the best aviators Exeron has to offer, with almost every single one being at least an ace, and a decent chunk having been named an "Ace of Aces". Many of their air to air kills are unconfirmed but sights of their aircraft in the sky are still troubling to many aviators the world over.
Btw we're talking like strangereal or "world on fire" kind of earth here there's no America or Russia
Milestones (like I'm ever going to hit any)
(These are just placeholders)