150 SchmoovestoftheSchmoove Comments

  • Introducing AutoModerator 10 hours ago

    @MobileBuilder21 SP Literally warns you not to give out personal information like that, they aren't really liable for it

  • Introducing AutoModerator an hour ago

    @sexya oh so SP does actually have a bot problem

  • Fighter Jet Challenge Entry: JS-40 Spectre 2 hours ago

    @Theinfinite Yeah I noticed that, realistically I need to get more weight in the back and try to balance it first past that I'll find some way to do give it a better turn rate but balancing would likely help

  • Fighter Jet Challenge Entry: JS-40 Spectre 10 hours ago

    @Theinfinite tysm, btw sorry I didn't realize the couple mistakes (two empty pylons, right side not detaching when jettisoned) I'd made with the weapons, they were one of the last additions and the wing tanks escaped my mind. Did you notice anything that could potentially make it better?

  • MiG-21RSW 13 hours ago

    "Ivan, just how much vodka did you drink last night? Why the f*ck did you sukhoi the mig?"

  • Untitled Aggressor Fighter yesterday

    @SantaFeAllTheWay ik it's a redundant question but did you try removing their aircraft collisions? Usually it's some random funky collision that causes it

  • Aircraft fighter challenge entry - Double Cheek Keto MiG-23 Part IV: Dassualt Moment 8 days ago

    @StopBreathingMyAir Thank you, any ideas to make it better?

  • Aircraft fighter challenge entry - Double Cheek Keto MiG-23 Part IV: Dassualt Moment 8 days ago

    Oh also air if you want to make sure it's my plane all the different variants I've upgraded over time are on my page, with the earliest just simply being "Keto MiG-23"

  • F-14 my style! 18 days ago

    This is such a beautiful plane

  • XF-25B 1.1 years ago

    @HomoSapien Gonna be completely honest with you I built this during my spanish class instead of doing Duolingo

  • Eff FoiTeen 1.1 years ago

    Sorry for the really weird cockpit, I couldn’t really figure out a way to fix it without just building one.