1,882 Scifieart Comments

  • Spiderbot prototyp (It can walk like a real spider!) 9.2 years ago

    Impressive work. Glad to see other people Walking machines so soon. What a brilliant but simple solution on how to change direction from forward to reverse. I will be incorporating your control scheme into my next mech.

  • X-5 Conquerer (Performance boost) 9.2 years ago

    Fantastic work. love the idea of using vtols to add some stability

  • 1-Cicada MK II 9.2 years ago

    Fly's like a champ! As long as you keep those three colored icons arranged right you can make anything fly, if you strap enough engines to it.

    With this one one thing I don't like is the wings just look stuck on there. the fuselage has alot of interesting shapes and greebles an nurnies going on. It looks more like a spaceship. While the wings you have on it scream generic. would look better as a vtol. with no wings

  • mobile mecha tank 9.2 years ago

    @Swiftsure Oh, thanks, you just gave me an idea. I bet I can modify my helicopter into a dropship to transport this thing. Now that would be baddass

  • mobile mecha tank 9.2 years ago

    Cool. works fine on my phone. Thanks for reminding me to make a mobile version. Is slower than on pc

  • Beck-Mahoney Sorceress 9.2 years ago

    @maverickvii I know the feeling, it really is somthing

  • Beck-Mahoney Sorceress 9.2 years ago

    Wow, never heard of this bird, it's gorgeous. The epitome of 1930's streamline moderne design.

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    @JolanXBL Finally looked at the airship. defiantly see the resemblance. that looks like something i'd draw

  • Tank Challenge 9.2 years ago

    @MrVaultech Not as bad as you'd think.I used much smaller legs than I did on my other one. I'ts slower but that fits the theme. I'm thinking, inner city APC for crowd control use. and disaster/ earthquake response. since legs would work well on rubble. And tracks have a way of destroying roads.

  • Gyroplane helicopter gunship 9.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks That's the huge size working for ya. In reality and in this game the bigger an aircraft is the less squirrely it is. Glad you liked it

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @TheJohnnyMan thank you

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @FennVectorCWA I did , the link is in the discription

  • J-550E PLSA-1 9.2 years ago

    Cool,reminds me of the launcher for the X 15

  • Dual Stick Walker - Quadruped 25mph 9.2 years ago

    @JolanXBL Nice work! glad to see some others trying real walkers. . Hard to control though. I tried this way your trying early on, unfortunately i couldn't get the holy grail of this line of thought, turning using double sticks, to work. So I kept it simple, for mass appeal. I used motor speed to control the order of the joints movement instead of manual.
    also when I tried a Quadruped, I found it useful to have a powered pendulum on it to let you shift the weight

    This Is exactly what I had hoped for. I'm an industrial designer, or maybe a concept artist. but i'm no engineer. My goal was to prove Walking could be done in a flashy package to get others interested

  • Tank Challenge 9.2 years ago

    I'm in, I will make this walk like my other one

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @Scifieart if you like I could upload a fixed version. Was going to re-upload but then it got featured

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    The turret is on purpose though, I liked how when TurNing it would stay put wherever you wanted, instead of centering, like it does on the tank in gta v. Makes aiming easier, you just do it separately. Very easy to do on my gamepad.
    The cameras look like headlights, so that's what I used them as.

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @JolanXBL the bouncyNess is caused by the wheels on the bottom I found without some sort of shocks the legs would fall off from the impact. The other things are merely accidental, all my efforts went into the legs in hopes others might use them, to make more working mecha.

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    @Average3323 I wanted to add a bomb bay,and I did. Then I realized that I had controls bound to the vtol slider already. So I couldn't open it. Needless to say that was left out of the final. I found bombs under the wings spoiled the look, so left them out. It can defiantly take the weight though. Adding them under the main wings wont spoil the flight characteristics a bit glad you enjoyed it.

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    @INSync Oh don't worry I will do alot more. and already have check out the new stuff

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    @FIRESHOOTER How did you make that link?

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    @Stellarcrazyargonaut Yes In fact i'm working on those. they're hard to fly though so i'm still tweaking them

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @laSoul I'm working on a chicken walker now, no promises.

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @laSoul I think I'll try and make a tachikoma next

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    360 degree rotation would help a lot then I could just use cranks and use less motors. Keep working on it! I found it helpful to look at servo robots. since The motors in this game work like servos. I just imitated the one in this video

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @laSoul Hoped you'd like it. I was inspired to make this by your mecha. I just wanted something that walked better. Keep making them,this site needs more mechs

  • Ornathox 37 Version 1 9.2 years ago

    Dude It spins because you took the huge tail fins I gave it off. There's a reason they're called vertical stabilizers. If you don't want to add more wings just give them some diehedral instead.

    Also ditch the rocket pods on top of the wings. If you shoot them the plane blows up, because you have them aimed right into the wings!

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @goboygo1 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/F23c5g/3-dof-mecha-tank-Mobile

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @goboygo1 Hmm the parts count isn't as bad as I thought, I'll put up a gunnless version and post a link

  • Racer 6 o 7's 9.2 years ago

    @Chemicalau That happend several times in testing.. results weren't pretty

  • Walking Hexapod Mecha Tank 9.2 years ago

    @General360 Wait until you try it out, it is FAST.

  • Racer 6 o 7's 9.2 years ago

    @goboygo1 Sure go for it!

  • Racer 6 o 7's 9.2 years ago

    @goboygo1 Yeah like 5 years ago. I should have made that clear in the description. changed it now

  • Fog Cruiser Takao 9.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks Dude got an idea. do the version from her u-2501 battle. She has a different set of equally baddass extended weapons. pictured below. You should check out the manga, the story is completely different after ep 7 and already 6X longer than the show.



  • xp55 9.2 years ago

    @MediocrePlanes Never mind. but they do look really similar

  • xp55 9.2 years ago

    American? isn't this a J7W Shinden? @MediocrePlanes

  • I.J.N Takao Heavy Cruiser 9.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks Sure give It a go! I really wanted to do a tiny takao standing on the bridge but I don't know how to xml mod yet. so do that

  • I.J.N Takao Heavy Cruiser 9.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks I finished it. i't's not perfect but it'll do. I made a lot of changes, obviously. in particular I didn't like the bow on this one so I made a more accurate representation.

  • I.J.N Takao Heavy Cruiser 9.2 years ago

    @recker422 It is done

  • I.J.N Takao Heavy Cruiser 9.2 years ago

    @recker422 Working on it now. As to your question. Yes they were the largest In tonnage, and they mounted the largest guns. unfortunately for them they never really figured out radar so their ships were weak at night and at range. Me I'm just a ww2 naval history buff. I can name 30 ships from each side off the top of my head

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks Thanks! From you that's quite the complement.

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    @fusionkb Thanks, I know it would have been easier to just move the engines up to the CG but hey, it looks cool and that's how I drew it

  • Heavy Stol Bomber "Dragon" 9.2 years ago

    Based on this

  • I.J.N Takao Heavy Cruiser 9.2 years ago

    @DeezDucks Mind if I have a crack at it. Or rather since I already started would you care if I uploaded it. I'm doing the battle converted version with the massive side armor plates and missile silos. And hopefully the cannon conversion I'll be going off the manga version, it's just easier.

  • Gyroplane helicopter gunship 9.2 years ago

    @Medicman11 I was going for a more Appleseed, or Ghost in the Shell Vibe. but yeah that gundam mech has a pretty similar form lanuage

  • Gyroplane helicopter gunship 9.2 years ago

    @Gdc2001 Yeah, sorry about that... I made it on a gaming rig I built for cad work. So I didn't notice. I'm working on a simpler version, I'm trying to get it to work on my old phone as a test. Works fine on my current phone, too A galaxy note 5.

  • gyropter gunship loaded sky camo 9 9.2 years ago

    I would have at least changed the name from the basic one I use for my file system. But anyway it flys fine without rotors. Not as cool though

  • Gyroplane helicopter gunship 9.2 years ago

    @Trent1sz I'll need to look into that. there are a lot of unnecessary parts

  • Gyroplane helicopter gunship 9.2 years ago

    A link to the original sketch. though this is based on a later version


  • MY BEST HELI YET 9.2 years ago

    Ah, now I see why you were interested. I'm kinda glad i didn't find that modded prop everybody seems to use on helis. It was fun working out how to make a rotor hub, with swashpate from just rotators and blocks