989 Scrubnot Comments

  • He 111 squad 4.7 years ago

    @CrappyNames ok, can you fix the random drifting?

  • 737-800 Ryan Air 6.0 years ago

    @Ruffes123 , sure does! As well as many angry passengers

  • WINDOESSS 1.7 years ago

    @ChamDel78 if you look inside from cockpit view, the fuselage has holes

  • MIssile Behaviors 1.7 years ago

    If all explosives had these settings
    Critically damage - reduce to burn hp or 1 hp
    disconnect - low damage but breaks connections
    And Default - obliterates anything

  • MIssile Behaviors 1.8 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO it's kind of a hit or miss, literally. It seems missiles will cause the same damage in a certain range, basically a booleen if it will damage or not, determined by the range of the explosion. Bombs seem to have sections of damage determined by the distance from the explosion center. Close causes immediate vaporization, while farther causes slight damage and/or burning.

    I am still unsure of how missiles really damage, cause there is no way to inspect a part's health in flight after taking damage, so I may be entirely off here.

  • M242 Jackhammer 2.1 years ago

    @Yourlocalhuman no jackhammer :)

  • Arleigh Burke Class DDG 2.5 years ago

    Cred to SmokeyNagato for the ciws

  • M4A3 76 (W) 2.7 years ago

    @Phoebe ohhhh nooo

  • M1A2 SEP 2.8 years ago

    A further note the sights (sabot) are calibrated to 1 mile, aim with the middle tip of ¥¥. And also the rotator FT is not mine, the code comes from tomlin 5412

  • Dala Du 5.4 years ago

    @AerialFighterSnakes I don't get it, on my device it seems fine. Have you tried low physics?

  • Dala Du 5.4 years ago

    @Homemade. U could make the fire truck

  • Dala Du 5.5 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 sry bout that, early bird gets the worm I guess

  • B737 MAX 8 5.7 years ago

    @edensk 👍

  • B737 MAX 8 5.7 years ago

    @edensk works good right?

  • B-21 Transport 5.7 years ago

    @GamerDude802 thx, I'm still working on this, cause this us the first variant so keep an eye out for the b-21b