It would be an honor for me if you edit this plane. I still haven't managed to make a high maneuverability plane. I admire your constructions, and your abilities to build these thrust vectoring planes. @Zaineman
Thank you very much for your comment, for your vote and for trying this construction, comrade, coming from a great builder like you, I really appreciate it, I hope you tag me if you finish this project, greetings! @WinsWings
Comrade, block that user, we are here to build and enjoy, and this user I think did not have that purpose, I will delete his comments, because I am tired of his comments on my publication, with respect to you, comrade, because you deserve all my respects, for your great work and your contribution to this community, greetings @ShinyGemsBro
Right mate, German bombers shared similar aesthetics. If my information doesn't fail me, this version was just a prototype, I think they built only two with four engines, the production version only had one Jumo 004 engine on each wing, and it mine happened with other designs. @Samflugzeugpanzer
Of course, comrade, I am not very expert in this type of fuselages (they usually have complicated shapes), but I have never built a replica. Right now I'm building a su 27, hopefully I can do it with vector boost, and my next project will be a stealth plane. @xNotDumb
No sabía que también hablabas español @WINGSIRON,llevo un tiempo siguiendote y probando tus construcciones.Junto con @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL,sois de los mejores constructores,Saludos!
It is true that my barracuda is more maneuverable, but in its description I put that it is not entirely realistic for that same reason, the maneuver
Unfortunately I don't play War Thunder, at the moment I don't have a PC that supports it, although by the end of the year I will probably be playing @SyntheticL
Thank you very much for your evaluation, but your work is also great! You are already on my list of followers and you have my support in future constructions @R4FABR
You will have to press the buttons in this order:
Battery, fuel pump, cylinder valve, oil. Then push the fuel switch. Next buttons cylinder valve, magnets, move the throttle 5% or more, starter button and then ignition. @Viperonursix
Hello camera, I followed your tutorial to build a walker with 6 legs, but the truth is that I can't get it to walk in a stable way. I hope you can help me, because you are the most specialized in this topic in the entire community, do you mind if I tag you in my build? @Sadboye12
Yes comrade, excuse me, before uploading the plane, I was checking the tilt of the wings, and I accidentally uploaded it like that, but it's just a visual effect in the construction @xNotDumb
Hello comrade, a suggestion, if you configure "disableaircraftcolision: true" in the overcharge menu in each wing, the noise generated when you move them and collide with the fuselage disappears, surely you already knew it, but I discovered them a few constructions ago @WinsWings
If it turns on, comrade, you have to press the buttons in order, the last one is the red one. @Gamerthegr8
+1It would be an honor for me if you edit this plane. I still haven't managed to make a high maneuverability plane. I admire your constructions, and your abilities to build these thrust vectoring planes. @Zaineman
+1Thank you very much for your comment, for your vote and for trying this construction, comrade, coming from a great builder like you, I really appreciate it, I hope you tag me if you finish this project, greetings! @WinsWings
+1In the menu of XML, in the section "Switch" @JEST
+1Sorry, I was busy with some exams and work,but tomorrow I will surely publish something special about ww2, and I will tag you @ItsYosannGaming02
+1Thanks a lot great comrade!! @WinsWings
+1Hahahah yess @WinsWings
+1German lover
+1Fasyer buolder @MAPA
+1I also built one in my beginnings, but at that time I was a novice and I did not have the knowledge of now. Very good construction, friend! @rexzion
+1That's majestic, @Zaineman
+1Great work!!!
Felicidades por ese platino tan merecido, camarada!!! @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL
+1Tag me in your next proyect, pls @Bryan
+1Thats plane its real nice
+1Comrade, block that user, we are here to build and enjoy, and this user I think did not have that purpose, I will delete his comments, because I am tired of his comments on my publication, with respect to you, comrade, because you deserve all my respects, for your great work and your contribution to this community, greetings @ShinyGemsBro
+1completely agree with you @ShinyGemsBro
+1Right mate, German bombers shared similar aesthetics. If my information doesn't fail me, this version was just a prototype, I think they built only two with four engines, the production version only had one Jumo 004 engine on each wing, and it mine happened with other designs. @Samflugzeugpanzer
+1Of course, comrade, I am not very expert in this type of fuselages (they usually have complicated shapes), but I have never built a replica. Right now I'm building a su 27, hopefully I can do it with vector boost, and my next project will be a stealth plane. @xNotDumb
+1No sabía que también hablabas español @WINGSIRON,llevo un tiempo siguiendote y probando tus construcciones.Junto con @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL,sois de los mejores constructores,Saludos!
+1It is true that my barracuda is more maneuverable, but in its description I put that it is not entirely realistic for that same reason, the maneuver
Thanks a lot @Otana for the vote and spotlights
Unfortunately I don't play War Thunder, at the moment I don't have a PC that supports it, although by the end of the year I will probably be playing @SyntheticL
+1Buen trabajo,camarada!
+1Thank you very much for your evaluation, but your work is also great! You are already on my list of followers and you have my support in future constructions @R4FABR
+1I built a similar model recently, but in my opinion yours is more successful, great job! @R4FABR
+1No problem, it's fully deserved. You're a great builder, comrade!! @SPairforce
+1@bo1233 :)
+1You will have to press the buttons in this order:
+1Battery, fuel pump, cylinder valve, oil. Then push the fuel switch. Next buttons cylinder valve, magnets, move the throttle 5% or more, starter button and then ignition. @Viperonursix
Tag me in your next proyect. That's a great works! @Varrell007
+1Hello camera, I followed your tutorial to build a walker with 6 legs, but the truth is that I can't get it to walk in a stable way. I hope you can help me, because you are the most specialized in this topic in the entire community, do you mind if I tag you in my build? @Sadboye12
+1First comrade!
+1Np, I love ww2 ships, I don't have as much level to build one as yours, really amazing!!! @Varrell007
+1Yes comrade, excuse me, before uploading the plane, I was checking the tilt of the wings, and I accidentally uploaded it like that, but it's just a visual effect in the construction @xNotDumb
+1Hello comrade, a suggestion, if you configure "disableaircraftcolision: true" in the overcharge menu in each wing, the noise generated when you move them and collide with the fuselage disappears, surely you already knew it, but I discovered them a few constructions ago @WinsWings
+1Lancia power!
+1It will be an honor to see this motorcycle built by you! You have a great level in your constructions @Freerider2142
+1Buen trabajo, sigue así, y por cierto, ya te sigo, camarada @replicasdeaviones
+1Ni caso, muy buen trabajo, yo construyó réplicas sobre escaladas, las tuyas son muy buenas @replicasdeaviones
+1Buenos trabajos, camaradas, yo también soy fan de las réplicas, sigue así! Saludos @replicasdeaviones
+1Saludos camarada!!! Muy buenas construcciones veo!!
+1That's majestic