@nickasaurusrex @Delphinus @quintasoarus @Homersdonut @KingDeadshot @MrDooLittle @swat132
The winner will be posted on August 6th and the winner will get 10 5 start ratings, Second 8, third 6, fourth 4, fifth 2 And the rest already got one for participating. The top will go to the next round (out of three) good luck!
The Caproni Ca.60
I built the Caproni Ca.60! If you don't know what it is then look up the name and you'll see it in pictures!
@kikasshes I just finished making something like yours too, wanna know what it is?
@PlanesOfOld guess what I just made...
Thank you @hypnotoad
Yeah @Delphinus
Oh I'll check it out!
@GAMERmisko what?
Yeah someone said there was
Is there a new update?
@Kevpilot what new update?
Yeah baby!
@nickasaurusrex @Delphinus @quintasoarus @Homersdonut @KingDeadshot @MrDooLittle @swat132 The winner will be posted on August 6th and the winner will get 10 5 start ratings, Second 8, third 6, fourth 4, fifth 2 And the rest already got one for participating. The top will go to the next round (out of three) good luck!
Hope to see it! @GAMERmisko
Nope @nickasaurusrex
Good job
Ah the clipping
It always auto corrects @Delphinus
Happy days
The people I called out did the challenge last time or wanted to do it @Quintasoarus
Good job
@nickasaurusrex @Delphius @swat132 @BMW1230
@Homersdonut @Exumer @KingDeadshot
Entry submitted!
Thank you mate
As the built plane
Can you use a sub item
@nickasaurusrex I forgot how to make a successor. I'm not doing the challenge though
I'm in and I forgot how to make a successor!😂🔫
I'm gonna wait until I have it planned though @KingDeadshot
I'll definitely use this!
Yep will do @KingDeadshot
Yep will do @KingDeadshot
Ok I'll just take it down. Will the ratings get deleted from my score? @KingDeadshot
Oh your not supposed to make stories @KingDeadshot
Oh your not supposed to make stories @KingDeadshot
@GAMERmisko you are awesome can't wait for the rest of your planes!
This is one of the few aircraft I have fun flying! Thank you
What's the bird challenge? @Homersdonut
Sure what are available? @Homersdonut
Please! With butter and syrup too!
I haven't watched the new series though @Homersdonut
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!!!!!! PANCAKES! @Homersdonut
Good luck
Really cool! Next I want to see you make a cockpit for it
On the structural wings
@Delphinus how do I get controls