23.5k Sharkdude300 Comments

  • F-104A Starfighter 2.3 years ago

    @DeezDucks Thanks for the feedback :)

    I wasn't sure how to implement the gear doors as they should be, but I know with a little bit of FT it can be done somehow.

    As for the exhaust angle, I totally missed that detail so thank you for pointing it out. I'll be sure to correct that for any future Starfighter variants I make.

  • F-106A Delta Dart 2.0 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Thanks, used this label art tool from hpgbproductions: https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1454422

  • F-106A Delta Dart 2.0 years ago

    @GoldenSidewinder Not sure yet, maybe some 50s bombers or naval fighters.

  • F-104A Starfighter 2.3 years ago

    @OrionIndustries Yep, that's the goal. Four down, two to go. I'll probably make the prototypes and mockups (103, 107, 108) at some point as well, but not right after.

  • F-101B Voodoo 2.6 years ago

    @DeezDucks Hmm, I know it's supposed to be flush with the fuselage even after rotating, which I probably could have achieved by making the bottom flatter rather than rounded. But as far as I can tell the functionality is correct.

  • F-101B Voodoo 2.6 years ago

    @DeezDucks Are you referring to the missile count or something else?

  • F-94B Starfire 2.9 years ago

    @WarHawk95 Sort of. The C variant was the first to be named Starfire, but upon its introduction, the name seems to have been applied retroactively to all variants. At least, according to Aircraft Recognition Manual Supplement No. 6 FM 30-30, December 1956.

  • B-45C Tornado one year ago

    @KenzarAircraft Feel free, but credit really goes to SenSkysh for the original code! I recommend this tutorial from ReinMcDeer on how to make it work: https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1707706/Auto-Aim-Turret-Tutorial

  • F-106 Delta Dart question [Answered] 1.5 years ago

    As far as I'm aware, the work carried out under Project Six Shooter to enable the Vulcan to be carried entailed modification of the weapon bay and bay doors. The ability to carry the Genie was lost, that space being occupied by the cannon. But the four Falcon missiles could still be carried. This is supported in the sources I can find, and there are a few images that seem to back that up as well.

    Here's an image of the modified bay and doors opened, with the Vulcan visible

  • F-100D Super Sabre 2.6 years ago

    @Brionne If taking off with the full load of Sidewinders and drop tanks, go into full afterburner and begin pitching up at 160 knots. You should lift off at ~200 knots.

  • F-89D Scorpion 2.8 years ago

    @Rakoval500k Hey, I think the roll rate on your version is a little high and there's an odd part sticking out of the belly. But good insight about how to make the flaps effective, I'll be sure to use that on future builds :)

  • F-89D Scorpion 2.9 years ago

    @DragoransEscarti made the rockets as a subassembly and made use of mirroring, so "only" a half hour or so lol

  • F-89D Scorpion 2.9 years ago

    @BreadIsAfruit Thrust, afterburner, and cruise speed of 465 mph at 10,000 ft are all accurately simulated. Mine is actually several thousand pounds lighter than the real thing, so if anything it overperforms. I hope you aren't basing your performance assessment on War Thunder :)