345 SheepGoBaa

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joined 4.0 years ago

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Hey, I'm a 16 year old from England. I have a few hobbies for when i have spare time such as; playing bass guitar, archery, horse riding, and now trying to do stuff on SimplePlanes haha. I'm kind of a lonely guy, i have pretty bad anxiety, but like i pretend i don't and it works, ya know the saying, "fake it 'till you make it" well it kinda works ya know, I pretend I'm confident and it kinda works because people believe it, and they show respect, and in turn that helps boost confidence, it's psycology (i have no idea if i spelled that right) And yes, i have noticed that what started off as things about me has turned into me giving a lesson on things i don't really understand, but eh, that's what i do, i just talk about nothing really hehe.

Anyway, I'll probably do something properly here at some point but for now toodles