51.3k ShinyGemsBro Comments

  • A-10C THUNDERBOLT II REMASTER 1.7 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy The way you put it makes you look like you have a massive grudge against the thing. Ever thought about the guy behind the stick being at fault instead of the plane itself that can't even fly on it's own? Or the guy designating targets for the pilot being dumb painting friendlies instead?
    Seriously your hate for the plane is misplaced. It's like cussing on a hammer for breaking your finger when you're the guy who's holding it in the first place lol

  • Mickey 1.7 years ago

    Mick The Moose

  • A-10C THUNDERBOLT II REMASTER 1.7 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy You're saying it as if it's a daily occurrence.
    Shit happens out in the field. You either cry about it now and move on to learn from mistakes or hold a grudge against a plane that doesn't have a life. It's just childish.

  • A-10C THUNDERBOLT II REMASTER 1.7 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy There are things called the JTAC and training.

  • Minecraft Iron golem 1.7 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Would depend on the battle start. If the golem and Ratte would start up at close range the golem would just toss the whole thing upside down
    If they had range the Ratte would probably blast the golem with it's cannons before it could get close enough


    Huh Pee Gaa

  • [RD] F-16G Mamba Viper Block 53 1.7 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer - F-16C base

  • F-15 will resume progress now 1.7 years ago


  • Ford Taurus A.P.S.E.D RRV 1.7 years ago

    @LunarEclipseSP - Challenge author and original builder

  • Have you ever be an ace combat player by accident? 1.7 years ago

    A.Is in this patch have become major retarded. Some would just pitch up in the middle of flight and loop around for no reason unless you lock onto and force them to change course

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy But did you need to continue slinging hits after saying what you were supposed to say? I personally think you didn't have to.

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    Honest Answer: It's gotten a whole lot bigger since I first joined and I'm all in for the next Archon chapters. Especially since the next nation to be unlocked is already in the pipeline.
    Answer for certain people: Hehe more girls i drool

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @gigachad Fighting fire with fire won't exactly put out a burning building, would it?

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy Cease fueling the fire. The last thing I need is this comment section getting disabled.

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @gigachad Your mentality regarding a game that's been stereotyped for ridiculous stuff along with the people that play it is funny. But I won't hold anything against you for it. If I am what you think I am just because of that game, then I'm proud to be the biggest pile of horse crap you've ever seen. Just so you'd be happy.
    Stay safe.

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @gigachad Still generalizing there. Don't take it the wrong way, but that implication is just outright stupid by itself.

  • This is how underwater in SP looks like :) 1.7 years ago

    Welcome to the gamebreaker squad.
    We specialize in traveling the realm beyond reality, coming back with three feet and sixteen eyes.

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @TheTomatoLover So you upvoted even though you don't like this

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @gigachad You're generalizing by a wide margin there.

  • IS 2 Tank PSM by request 1.7 years ago

    PSM Laptop. Next question.

  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @MrOofington And she was. Alot of times.

  • flanker - 1 1.7 years ago


  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago


  • Mitsubishi F-2 Niwabi Enshou 1.7 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer - F-16C base build

  • [TEASER] Introducing the D-01-200, a 156-passenger airliner where the engines are on top of the wings. 1.7 years ago

    At least FOD damage with this one shouldn't be a problem
    ...Then there's birdstrikes

  • ntnc_dry_valley 1.8 years ago

    omaigod forzi horzo colb w mincarp wowowow

  • P-48 Thunder 1.8 years ago

    @SPairforce Cause P-48 minus 1 is P-47

  • A rumble from deep below... 1.8 years ago

    Only been in for 4 years. Never heard of you.
    But welcome back, even though from the looks of things you don't really stay frequently

  • Coming Soon 1.8 years ago


  • Kvochur's Bell Landing 1.8 years ago

    Meme oversaturation

  • P-48 Thunder 1.8 years ago

    P-47 that got caught in the Hiroshima nuking

  • Mitsubishi FS-X Concept 1.8 years ago

    Kawasaki concept looks like a downsized Legacy Hornet

  • proof that Simpleplanes users are dodo cheaks 1.8 years ago

    People are gonna like whatever they like. It doesn't matter. Some glue eater who made a derp build will have his creation upvoted cause everyone thinks it's funny, and that's okay.
    You don't get to control what people want to approve by their tastes and what they want leave alone. Just build, enjoy, and post it if you feel like it. Users come across what you made and they find it interesting? Good on you. They don't? Just move on.

  • a REMAKE SU-57???????? 1.8 years ago


  • Pagani Zonda R 1.8 years ago


  • T-65 X wing Starfighter Teaser 1.8 years ago

    You better use cannons instead of wing guns or miniguns for the lasers

  • F-14B Rex Lapis Showcase 1.8 years ago


  • Nirai HEC-40A Pulsar 1.8 years ago

    @Zaineman Jesus Christ why are you upvote spamming me? I didn't do anything lol

  • Ultralight Fun 1.8 years ago


  • B-29 Superfortress "DOC" 1.8 years ago

    egg dropper

  • Missle Proof ? 1.8 years ago

    Still managed to splinter this thing with my Mamba Viper. Missiles don't even go that fast.
    Decent build though. It's one hell of a flying chainsaw with those miniguns

  • First year in sp.com 1.8 years ago

    @Nahida1645 Nahida had it first.

  • MIssile Behaviors 1.8 years ago

    I just do this with direct impact missiles possessing 0.3-0.4 explosionScale. Doesn't immediately kill whatever it hits. Especially bigger AI's spawned.
    But then again, you can use proxdetonation to better simulate realistic damage on targets whilst keeping explosionScale untouched, as said by @ZeroWithSlashedO

  • Do you listen to music while building? 1.8 years ago

    @ToeTips lol I really don't build at all. Even if I do it's just one thing and that's it for the rest of the year. Most of my stuff are modified pre-existing builds of others.
    You take a look for yourself what I got in store.

  • Paintball is cool 1.8 years ago

    Call artillery on their positions next time
    Adds realism to it. Even better with A-10 airstrikes

  • Do you listen to music while building? 1.8 years ago

    I don't build but I sure as hell like listening to music

  • INACTIVITY 1.8 years ago
