I did one missile run on the USS Beast and I was almost out of half my fuel, so I discovered that you might be the person who makes the uavs in call of duty because they last less than a minute
So I looked at the zumwalt post thing and I can’t figure out how the heck you went underwater, did you just poke a hole in the side with a toothpick or something?
I don’t know if someone already said this because the comments are long and I don’t want to scroll down but if you go in slow motion and spam flares you go super sonic
To be honest I wasn’t paying attention to the 15 degrees part on the mini gun so when I faced the enemy head on and slightly aimed to the left and it still hit I thought it was hacks
Two years after I got simple planes I heard about the F-14 advanced so I searched it up here but I couldn’t find it years later I finally found it now I can have inner peace finally.
Hey I know it's like 2:00 am (for me atleast) but yes I like plain and simple there is a reason for my name
+1Nice* my autocorrect made it nuce
Not to be weird for noticing this but why did you give him butt cheeks
How in the fu-
Believe me or not but I flew for an incredible whopping 3.5 seconds in the air.
Did not expect it to be a vtol crashed instantly but this is a good ground attack jet
How to self destruct: 1. Get in air, 2. spin in circle going upwards, 3. Explode somehow
Underated post, I shall gift you an upvote
Start at wright airport or whatever it’s called target the uss beast and fire easiest way to destroy that fleet
+2This sure is good at beating little off brand battery pod racers in a race.
When you spawn on the ground just walk and poop and stuff around you will blow up
May I kindly ask what the heck kind of place did you get this idea
@Thunderbolt4700 Tips: none, knowledge of anything: none
I did one missile run on the USS Beast and I was almost out of half my fuel, so I discovered that you might be the person who makes the uavs in call of duty because they last less than a minute
I destroyed the USS Beast, the turrets at Snow Stone, and shot down a mig.
What I am trying to say is this a really op flying upmarine
+2@AWESOMENESS360 so it’s basically a water helicopter
So I looked at the zumwalt post thing and I can’t figure out how the heck you went underwater, did you just poke a hole in the side with a toothpick or something?
+1I know this was a long time ago but just go in slow motion and spam flares, trust me
I don’t know if someone already said this because the comments are long and I don’t want to scroll down but if you go in slow motion and spam flares you go super sonic
So if you put this on the front of a fighter it is basically kinda aimbot.
+2To be honest I wasn’t paying attention to the 15 degrees part on the mini gun so when I faced the enemy head on and slightly aimed to the left and it still hit I thought it was hacks
+1This plane beat me in a dogfight by doing a loop at high a altitude and making me stall
Why does this post keep following me
When you press ag1 it’s like enemies when you’re behind them
+1Who needs YouTube to find the islands when you have a map
+1@Kipo Because it won’t let me just like it won’t let me put , “ or ‘ without me editing it
I was going to write a comment on how to drop this on the houses or whatever at Bandit Airport but it wouldn’t let me so I will just say....... Cool
“I am sorry that this cruiser is too big for mobile users” My iPad: You underestimate my power
+4Two years after I got simple planes I heard about the F-14 advanced so I searched it up here but I couldn’t find it years later I finally found it now I can have inner peace finally.
I took the phalanx put it in the middle of a runway crashed into it with my bush plane and didn’t destroy it, I jammed it by detaching the cockpit
Because it’s good
The drone is so fast I went under the map! But when I came out it crashed
You killed me at death by submarine
+1The wings are super flexible when I went straight down they just flopped
I have waited ever since I started playing SimplePlanes for this
+4“I just don’t like putting weapons on my builds” who need weapons when you can ram an aircraft at high speed
Me: wow imagine using this beast on mobile
+3My iPad: you underestimate me kenobi
In short this works with no lag on my iPad
This somehow works on my phone
Me looking at this nice plane from the past of simple planes: this deserves more attention
+1Oh my god the meme himself
+2I forgot about this as usual but anyways idk who wins or whatnot so I guess the winners are three people ApplejuiceYT2 , FujiwaraAutoShop and me
How. Why. And what @FujiwaraAutoShop
You guys are entering when I forgot about this the day after it started..... well thanks I guess
The original post was 2.8 years ago just why. Why post it 2.8 years later? Also here’s an upvote just because
+1Welp the OG post took me here and you don’t want a lot of upvotes....... so here’s an upvote!
Ah yes A very nice box I can’t believe there is such a perfect thing in the world.
Hello everyone sorry but I have fixed the problem. I will post the Prototype of Project Otter After Christmas.
Also i will announce the winner by the end of January
Ps- I haven’t tested it yet, so let me know how it is