214 SingularMuon Comments

  • The driving experience of my cars 5.0 years ago

    Ayo my dude'm's, since you care for handling, feel free to cannibalise what you see fit.
    The Almost-Ackermann steering is side dependant, as in one side has extra minuses on purpouse, take that into account.

  • Wildebeest Light tank 5.1 years ago

    Well i attempted some smoothing between throttle/wheel steering, aswell as making the throttle steering more responsive, so if any confusion occured, it was probably that.

  • Needing help with gun stabilizer 4.9 years ago

    If that there on the turret's the final position for the cockpit,
    should serve you well; replace the x's with multiplication sign first, offcourse.
    The code you've found was for a setup where the cockpit is mounted on the main gun mantlet, pitching itself with the gun.

  • Stuff id want in the game for the future update. 4.9 years ago

    Engine sounds could be simplified to 6 looping tracks to choose from (diesel small, diesel large, petrol small, petrol medium, rotary, electric), add some pitch variability, turbo or supercharger whine and how loud it is (+ maybe some inertia variable on turbo) and you'll be set for a good while.
    What concerns me would be the way engines apply torque, currently the hp slider means nothing - its a max torque slider with no engine speed limitation; effectively, if we were to set gears for it, we'd end up with infinite hp at any value; 2op5me. (HP graph is (Torque multiplied by Rpmpeak)/OutputRpm)
    Best case scenario: we're able to set idle, peak and redline rpm, max torque, creating a function of -(x^2)+x+b out of it, getting a rpm point with highest HP rating, turning it into velocity for a wheelsize of 0.5m radius for every then specified gear, and adjusting final gear for every real wheel by dividing its size by that of the virtual one; ending up with a float point for each wheel, a gear-speed table, and a torque function that is both itself and its arguments (x's) divided by output ratio (gear ratio multiplied by final ratio), making it shorter with low gear ratios, but much higher in torque output (f(x/r)/r).
    Tl;Dr https://www.geogebra.org/m/dz4hkwsb

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.0 years ago

    Vmf, 1:25 AI run with single t1000, 33kg/m^2, 29 drag points build without input manipulation, im starting to feel like i've not minmaxed enough going thru these posts.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.0 years ago

    Shouldn't a clause for clamp01(Altitude-ceil(25)) on the neg-drag brakes's input make them legal again?

  • Engine update plz 5.1 years ago

    @jacephysicsboss those things always look better on graphing calculators

  • I need help with my tank 5.1 years ago

    @Mysweetbologna reactive plates, those ceramic plates on cold war era soviet tanks that are meant to take one hit, stop the round and shatter, there should be a property on part collision reaction for detaching once shot iirc.

  • Engine update plz 5.1 years ago

    For a dedicated engine update i'd love to see being able to change some engine parameters, if not alter the physics model to go for (peakRPMpeakTorque)/wheelRPM for checking torque value, if not going for an actual transmission with pre-set ratios and basic torque curve f(x)=((((-x^2)/2peakRPM)+x)^[someVar])x<redline

  • I need help with my tank 5.1 years ago

    Say, could blowout panels, infra-red lamps or some bulky one-hit add-on armor be fitted on that semi futuristic design?