138 Skooze

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joined 9 months ago

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so many times in in my my last few few months months and and the the way way my my body body feels feels is is a a bit bit different different to to my my heart heart ???? feels feels more more and and my my mind mind and and I I think think of of the the same way way that more and and it it makes makes it it is is

This player 🤷🎮🎽 has 🚪👏🚪 not 😬entered 👉a biography.💯

Nvm this player has entered a biography.

This is an alt. YOU are the one who needs to find out who this alt belongs to. I dump all my intrusive and sleep deprived thoughts here (go cry about it)

Autocorrect is the worst invention ever (change my mind)

I love cocai cola

Previously known as KirkRefrain999, 9283829, BillyBilly5928393, DreamistheGOATandnoonewilldisrespecthimandcallhimbadatmcpepvpbtwiamgoatatmcpepvpbecauseiuseexploithahagetnoob, thereMop, TonyTonyChupper, PoopStain, elmo35, DrDissRespect, bwabwabwa, IWillRideMonarchiiToTheEndOfTheEarth, IWillReportYouIfUBully999, FenderBender69, thebestthingaboutitwashowtheyall, LM4081, QuadFormula, KanyeRiderDonda, Gear5milker, A380LoverStan, AndrewGarrisonIsMahPookie, IAmSupreme35, SpigotDrip, DrySummers66, BingBingHello219372, 1836272819, IJustDidABoomBoom35, GyattIsSuchAFunnyWordHaHa