198k SledDriver Comments

  • Manta IV 5.6 years ago

    @USSR @Carbonfox1 Had a few interactions too many with certain unpleasant people, so I just went away for a while.

  • Manta IV 5.6 years ago

    None other, @Flak99

  • SR-71 Blackbird v05 5.6 years ago

    Glad you like it, @BrendenDaPrince

  • SR-71 Blackbird v05 5.6 years ago

    Thanks, @Smoothray

  • New Moderator 5.8 years ago


    I will be more than happy to issue you your second strike.

    What? No! The all-powerful moderator of a game that has barely a few hundred users will issue me a strike!!

    Go ahead, see just how much I care. I have a hundred other things to do than play SP, and if the developers of this game see fit to put people like you, Squirrel-baby, and Mod in charge, I'm more than happy to leave forever.

    Go. To. Hell.

  • New Moderator 5.8 years ago

    @Squirrel If stating an opinion is a "targeted attack," grow up, baby. Also, if you can't even follow a simple thread of conversation, perhaps you shouldn't be a moderator:

    Mod never directly stated that "child" was a curse word.

    No, EternalDarkness did. Read my comment again, baby, it was addressed to EternalDarkness.

  • Hover Tank destroying ships from over 10 miles away 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, @Treadmill103. Weapons with projectile drop are my favourite kind. I think it's that time again... artillery time.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 Wow, that's really interesting. Did the captain survive? He must have kicked himself if he lived to find that out.

  • Hover Tank destroying ships from over 10 miles away 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 We can dream.

  • Hover Tank destroying ships from over 10 miles away 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 What if... people were able to create their own HUDs? WWII deflection sights, modern fighter HUDs, sci-fi HUDs...

  • Hover Tank destroying ships from over 10 miles away 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, @MisterT. Now if we only had zoomable sights and rangefinders in SP...

  • Hover Tank destroying ships from over 10 miles away 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, @Nerfenthusiast @CRJ900Pilot

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 Oh, I didn't know that. Interesting.

  • New Moderator 5.8 years ago

    @Jetpackturtle You have a right to your opinion, I have a right to mine.

  • New Moderator 5.8 years ago

    @Tessemi Not at all.

  • New Moderator 5.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness People really shouldn't speak on issues on which they don't have all the facts. This is what @RailfanEthan said:

    loosen up, child

    This is what I said:

    Is that a joke? It's not funny to me... child.

    Anyone who thinks either of us was "cursing" the other should lock themselves in a room and never venture out into the big, bad world.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 I looked up the telemobiloscope, it's pretty interesting. It's sobering to realise that the Germans could have developed that into a full-fledged radar by the First World War if they'd pursued the technology further.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 Yeah, Hitler was quite stupid in many ways. One of his biggest mistakes was a classic one that many leaders, being "social" people, make -- surrounding himself with people who'd only tell him what he wanted to hear. Goering, for instance, knew that using the Me-262 as fighters was the right thing to do -- but he never even tried to bring Hitler around.

    Officers who tried to tell Hitler the truth were ignored and treated badly:

    Galland, holding forth on the theme that no more time remained for modifications, was shouted down so brusquely by the Führer that he relapsed into silence.

    Milch resumed by explaining calmly to Hitler that to have the Me 262 as a successful two-seater bomber represented a substantial reconstruction for which time was simply too short. Hitler rode over him rough-shod and with such violence of tone that Milch lost his head and shouted back, 'Mein Führer, every child can see that that is not a bomber but a fighter!'

    Following this outburst Hitler turned his back on Milch without replying. Petersen's neighbour leaned towards him and said, 'And that's shot him down in flames.' It was the most apt description of this tragic collision of wills. A door had closed and would not re-open. Nobody knew this better than Milch who merely stood in silence as Hitler turned away from him. At this juncture Milch felt sure that he had reached the end of his career, but it did not depress him; whatever happened next, there was nothing he could do about it.

  • New Moderator 5.8 years ago

    @Mod "Child" is a name now? @AndrewGarrison your new moderator's already on a power trip, congratulations.

  • New Moderator 5.8 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison That's... disturbing. I'd never had a single interaction with him before -- in over 2 years of being a regular poster -- and the first comment he ever made on one of my posts was deeply sarcastic. Someone whose first interaction with another person is a rude expression of pent-up resentment (or whatever) does not have the maturity or character to be a moderator.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 Yeah, but regardless of bomb size, it just wasn't effective as a bomber:

    The Me 262 was not equipped with retaining or release gear for bombs, nor fusing installation, nor bombsights. Its flight characteristics and the panorama from the cockpit made it unsuitable for aimed bombing. The only possible bombing tactic was some sort of dive, but this would have involved the aircraft exceeding its permitted maximum speed. Above 950 kph the aircraft was no longer controllable. At low altitude the fuel consumption was so great that no useful penetration over enemy territory was possible, therefore low-flying attacks did not enter into it. All that actually remained was horizontal bombing from altitude. However, under the given circumstances the target needed to be the size of a large town to be certain of obtaining a hit.

    To make things worse, Hitler decreed that Me-262s were forbidden to fly under 12,000 feet over enemy territory, fearing that if they did so they could be shot down and captured. Dropping dumb bombs from horizontal flight at 12,000 feet... you can imagine how effective that was:

    The infantry called us the 'Damage-the-Fields Squadron'.

  • PAC Y-Wing 5.8 years ago

    @Notaleopard Don't worry, it's actually pretty cool.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 The Me-262 may have been planned as a bomber, but was completely unsuited to the bomber role, while being "outstanding" as a fighter. But Hitler had his vision of a blitzbomber, a bomber that would be so fast it could fly through enemy fighter cover with ease and devastate Allied forces as they landed on the beaches of Europe. The Me-262 was doing quite well as a fighter and pilots and top brass of the Luftwaffe were pleading to be given Me-262 fighters, but Hitler was so obsessed with his blitzbomber that he officially forbade anyone from talking about the Me-262 as a fighter:

    At the end of August Hitler circulated throughout the Luftwaffe a Führer-edict which every officer was obliged to sign. This order read: 'With immediate effect I forbid anybody to speak to me about the Me 262 jet aircraft in any other connection or any other role than as a fast or Blitzbomber.'

    This caused a loss of nine months during which the Me-262 could have been very effective at countering Allied air attacks instead of languishing in the clumsy attempt to convert it into a bomber:

    Nine months for possible Me 262 fighter operations had been lost up to the time when Kommando Nowotny was formed. Without question these nine months were decisive for the seizure of air supremacy over the Reich by the Allies, the precondition for the total defeat of Hitler's Germany. Hitler may have sensed that for himself when he suddenly began to demand 'Fighters! Fighters! Only fighters!'

    Kommando Nowotny was formed in October 1944:

    ... on Himmler's advice that it was a simple way of providing evidence in the form of aerial combat victories that the Me 262 was an outstanding fighter aircraft.

    But by then it was too little, too late.

  • PAC Y-Wing 5.8 years ago

    Pretty cool. The pilot is a nice touch.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 Yeah, if Hitler hadn't bone-headedly insisted that it be converted to a bomber, who knows how much longer the war would have dragged on. German technology was certainly ahead of the rest of the world in many fields, and was at the heart of the US missile/space program as well.

  • SP with on-screen keyboard! 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 That was actually prettiy funniy. Needs more Kalinka though.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, @scratch

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Well, I'd say it's a fighter-bomber. Luckily in SP we don't have real life limitations, so we can load up our planes with as many armaments as we like.

  • SP with on-screen keyboard! 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 With liquid helium cooling

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Not sure what you mean...?

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @Irobert55 That's impressive for that time. I'm just reading a very interesting book about the Me 262, Hitler's Jet Plane by Mano Ziegler. Lots of fascinating info that I haven't seen before.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer I like big engines. And they are quite powerful, they'll take you to 3600 mph in about 2 seconds with afterburner.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick A bit anti-climactic, yeah. What can I say, I'm a one-take director.

  • PAC ES-11D Cat's Eye 5.8 years ago

    Interesting build. A few things:

    • The VTOL control isn't clear. Maybe change it to "AG3 + VTOL up for vertical takeoff, VTOL down to land."
    • The max deflection of the control surfaces is way too high -- the canards, especially, go vertical at full deflection. They'd act like airbrakes.
    • What's the reason for the flat faces on the nose and reaction engines? Wouldn't aerodynamic nose cones make more sense?

  • SP with on-screen keyboard! 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 Then "RTX 2080 Ti... in SLI"

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @temporaryaccount You don't need a mod to do that, just the ability to edit CloudSettings.xml in the SP configs folder.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    Korrekt, @Irobert55

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @IanTheCuberGamer Yeah, scripts have nothing to do with the aircraft's performance. What they let me do is create smooth shapes using fuselage blocks.

  • Hinterbomber 5.8 years ago

    @CptJacobson Join the military, they said. Great way to lose weight, they said.

  • SP with on-screen keyboard! 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 Hmm, running out of ideas for you to "wait 'til you try...." Yeah, after mechanical keyboards, any other type just doesn't cut it for me.

  • SP with on-screen keyboard! 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 Well, that's great. But then I'll say, wait 'til you try a full-size, mechanical keyboard...

  • SP with on-screen keyboard! 5.8 years ago

    Wait 'til you try a real keyboard...

  • Hinterbomber 5.8 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 ...and a lot of fun.

  • Hinterbomber 5.8 years ago

    Indeed, @CrashFighter05

  • Hinterbomber 5.8 years ago

    @CptJacobson It's only a flesh wound...

  • SR-71 Blackbird, Potato Edition 5.8 years ago

    @enzoBoeing757 I'm not just "great at generating shapes." I'm great at creativity and original thinking. You can look at my earlier work that was made without scripts, you can see that I was building smooth shapes, using fuselage blocks in creative and original ways, even then.

    The scripts don't do anything other than increase the efficiency of the process of turning an idea into the final product. It's like a sculptor who develops a mechanical tool that lets him carve stone quicker and easier. It's not as if the tool is doing the sculpting for him, or coming up with creative ideas. You can buy a piano Beethoven used, but that won't make you Beethoven.

  • SR-71 Blackbird v05 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 Thanks, I'm quite pleased with it myself :)

  • Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird 5.8 years ago

    @Simplemike That's an Easter Egg, and it is in fact available on mobile. See here for details.

  • SR-71 Blackbird v05 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, @Randomdoggo