@Lolbuthunman Thank you. I updated the version and improved the problem that the thruster will be activated when entering the game.Thank you, I updated the version and improved the problem that the thruster will start when entering the game. I look forward to your playing
@LJh1 哇哦 大佬😱
+2@Anoob1bilibili 蟹蟹 启动教程就在视频里
+1You need a start button to take off
+1@mreza1819234 Thanks, but the flight control is not good
+1具体启动教程在B站本人账号视频内;If it won't start, you can ask
+1@LJh1 我那个歼38可以用低物理玩了 我修改了起落架😋
+1@LJh1 我一个朋友发文件给我的 你可以去问问别人我不会传输🙃
+1@LJh1 哪个?
+1@LJh1 我新搞了个歼20迷你版😋
+1@LJh1 好吧🙃
+1佬 你b站名字叫啥啊
@LJh1 不会啊
+1@LJh1 不是哇 我说的是怎么艾特别人💀
+1@LJh1 直接说不行吗💀
+1@LJh1 这是看封面都知道吧💀
+1@LJh1 哈哈
+1@LJh1 太有石粒了 怎么艾特能教我吗😊
+1@LJh1 原来你是中国人 那架A11别人要我造的 我也是自己乱造的 不过他问我要了个简易配平就给他弄了😋
+1@LJh1 也叫Slowly但是加了个_SP😋
+1@1145141919810aaa 哈哈我才发现
+1@LJh1 有啊
+1建议使用高物理游玩此飞机;It is recommended to use high physics to play this aircraft
+1@Majakalona thanks
+1@mreza1819234It has been updated to solve the flight control problem.
The second plane needs to fly high for physical play, otherwise the landing gear and missiles will soften.
本人在b站有账号 可以搜索Slowly_SP
The second plane needs to fly high for physical play, otherwise the landing gear and missiles will soften.
The second plane needs to fly high for physical play, otherwise the landing gear and missiles will soften.
不懂的可以在b站上问我 用户名:Slowly_SP
@tyuggh 6嗷 这个要开高物理的
Unfinished flight deck暂未完成的驾驶舱
@Christiant2 haha
@Observer404 吸吸
@MA2211c haha
@VarisOnAviation @VarisOnAviation Thank you, I updated this plane, please go to my homepage to check
@DISHWASHER2005 thanks
@MA2211c This is my own brainstorming
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Although I feel very sad, I forgive you. My plane says hanstar on the head. My previous plane was also called hanstar
Why do you say my plane is not mine?
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Look at my work. It has a vector engine. How can you say that my plane is not mine?
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Do you have any proof that this is not my plane?
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Where are you from? I have the manufacturing process.
@Anoob1bilibili 居然是b站大佬
@Joee30 You can try
@Lolbuthunman Thank you. I updated the version and improved the problem that the thruster will be activated when entering the game.Thank you, I updated the version and improved the problem that the thruster will start when entering the game. I look forward to your playing
Ha ha ha, your plane head is not right. Ha ha ha.