0 Snakeboy693 Comments

  • Jet Glider Launcher 8.7 years ago

    If i could upvote i would :)

  • X-82 Concept Bomber Mk. III 8.7 years ago

    Yes I like it pitch is better and has weapons!!! It so nimble and fast!! :)

  • Jet Glider Launcher 8.7 years ago

    Thanks for using my plane I like what you've done to it :)

  • X-82 Concept Bomber 8.7 years ago

    Maybe the plane could have a front horizontal stabilizer or add another wing between where the other wings are then I'm sure it will work more sensitively and will be a great fight and sports plane. :) really like it.

  • X-82 Concept Bomber 8.7 years ago

    Yes the pitch

  • X-82 Concept Bomber 8.7 years ago

    I like the concept of it only the handling could use tuning but it looks great nice and fast and all it needs is guns. and yes I watch weasel to