930 Snowman8151 Comments

  • Skyly-J2 9.0 years ago

    Skycrawlers, gotta love that film, real nice replica too. Kinda difficult to fly in its base state, i would recommend moving the centre of mass a little further forward. Really like the use of the VTOL for the engine exhaust

  • Mi-28 9.0 years ago

    This is truly an amazing build. Great Job :)

  • ADF-01 FALKEN 9.0 years ago

    Way better than mine, great job. Keep up the good work :)

  • ADF-01 FALKEN 9.0 years ago

    @Johawks1976 I did this aircraft near the beginning of my time in simple planes, i could probably do it but would require starting from scratch. Maybe after my project deadlines i could give it a go.

  • RAF Tornado GR4 9.1 years ago

    @TheChosenZebra You have to hold Lshift and then use W,A,S,D,Q,E to nudge the part around in small intervals. The thing that makes it so useful is the part still retains its interaction with what it was placed on when nudged, for example; if I placed a block on top of a rotator it would spin. simple.But then I could nudge just the rotator inside a fuselage piece or wherever so it didn't look like it was attached and that original block would still spin. That's how the wings and air-brakes work for this model. Hope that helps :)

  • RAF Tornado GR4 9.1 years ago

    @Halfstrike it's the nudge feature on PC that really opens the box for building I think, I can't figure out much of the XML modding :L Hope you get your PC working :)

  • RAF Tornado GR4 9.1 years ago

    @Seeras @Halfstrike @Delphinus @UnknownNate thanks for all the nice comments guys i really appreciate it :D only really properly getting to grips with the editor so hopeful there will be more like this in the future :) thanks again guys

  • RAF Tornado GR4 9.1 years ago

    @DeezDucks Thanks friend :) let me know if you have any issues

  • MiG-31 9.1 years ago

    Once again thanks @Halfstrike for the wing panels :)

  • MiG-31 9.1 years ago

    @Halfstrike Awh, thanks, my creations haven't got anything on yours though. Seriously nice stuff you've made :)

  • MiG-31 9.1 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral thanks, really appreciate it :)

  • MiG-31 9.1 years ago

    Apologise for the inactivity, been rather busy. Hope you enjoy this creation, let me know if you would like a mobile version or any other planes for me to replicate, enjoy!

  • ADF-01 FALKEN 9.2 years ago

    @FIRESHOOTER @bjac0 Here you go guys, happy reading :) https://www.reddit.com/r/SimplePlanes/comments/3yz44m/acecombatadf01_falken/

  • ADF-01 FALKEN 9.2 years ago

    @FIRESHOOTER I'll compile my version history and link you guys some WIP screenshots

  • ADF-01 FALKEN 9.2 years ago

    @bjac0 took me a while (~6hours) but yes I did make this. Unfortunately its not great in its current state, more aesthetic than an actual functional vehicle. Let me know if there is anything pressing that it needs or any other ace combat vehicles you wish me to attempt :)