1,267 SpaceMaxAR Comments

  • Boeing 707-320 3.5 years ago

    WOW really nice plane, much better than my

  • DC 10 3.6 years ago

    Thanks for 10 upvotes and for 735 points! This is amazing!

  • DC 10 3.6 years ago

    Thanks for a 555 points :P

  • Gleipnir 3.6 years ago


  • Airbus 330 3.6 years ago

    @Noor17051 no problem ;)

  • My DC 8 3.6 years ago

    @Noor17051 I'd like to try it with pleasure, but it probably won't take a short time.

  • Boeing 707 New! 3.5 years ago

    Hi! To all of you who have already forgotten me, I will remember myself! So I have a temporary break because I am learning but I already hope that I will build something at the weekend and I even know what

  • Ekranoplan 3.6 years ago

    This is amazing!

  • Airbus a380China Southern Airlines 3.6 years ago

    Hi! I have a request for you! Could you make a better landing gear? The planes are great, but the landing gear... well, the landing gear is lying and squealing, so could you please do what I ask?

  • Boeing 727 3.6 years ago

    SP please do not give auto credit to 737 max 10 PLEASE!

  • Boeing 707 3.6 years ago

    ,,Predecessor Boeing 737 Max 10"

    But why~

  • ATR 72-500 3.6 years ago

    I love bugs in SP, for example, I don't know why it shows that the plane is based on my 737 max and it is not XD

  • Simple Boeing 727 3.6 years ago

    Help with the cockpit would be needed if I were to build planes not square *

  • Boeing 737 not square 3.6 years ago

    Yes, I built it on the basis of my Boeing 737 max 10 because I did not want to build the plane from scratch, but I was still tired of it for a long time

  • Boeing 737 Max 10 3.6 years ago

    For everyone who says "why do you make square planes" and they have a grudge against it at all, I'll explain. So yes, my planes are square because I can't build cockpits the normal way, but also why my planes are square because I'm inspired by the creator of Simple Square and if someone does not like it, there are many other creators who do something better than me. I'm learning all the time and also don't have time to build something good. My planes are built when I'm bored so they are not very good, but I already have plan for the next plane so maybe something new will come out too long.

  • IL 62M 3.6 years ago

    Hi! I have question for you! How many planes should I put up so that it would be good for you and me? One plane a day? 2 planes a day?

  • Tu 154M Polish 3.6 years ago

    Hi! I have question for you! How many planes should I put up so that it would be good for you and me? One plane a day? 2 planes a day?

  • DC 10 3.6 years ago

    Hi! I have question for you! How many planes should I put up so that it would be good for you and me? One plane a day? 2 planes a day?

  • IL 62M 3.6 years ago

    @TheDesignate I know because I'm a little inspired by it ;)

  • Supersonic Aircraft 3.6 years ago

    Thanks for 60 downloads!

  • Supersonic Aircraft 3.6 years ago

    @TheDesignate I was going to make it look like this :P

  • Handley Page Victor 3.6 years ago

    Could you please build an Airbus A340 plane?

  • Cargo Aircraft 3.6 years ago


  • Handley Page Victor [Final Progress Upload] 3.6 years ago

    Could you please build an Airbus A340 plane?