@MAHADI the difference between me and SledDriver is I don’t use a computer programmer to make my stuff lol I have to plug in the nasty decimals by hand and use a calculator to spot the next painful decimal
@FrostyBoy I’m on mobile too bruh, you just gotta know what to do to make your page look nice, I haven’t had the time to do it because I got back from marine bootcamp but I’ll be doing so in the near future
@Kurt there is an updated version of the Drej fighter and I have indeed thought of making the Valkyrie, I’m just trying to figure out how I’m gonna do it
@Thecatbaron hey I'm building a soft body passenger plane, is it alright if I use your wings and credit you or should I be original and make my own soft body wings lol
@TheFantasticTyphoon I assure you I have done nothing wrong for I did give credit, but as a second I am an IOS user and am unable to use scripting and/or mods towards absolutely copying SD’s scripting which he took down so no one else could use
@USSR I honestly have no idea where SledDriver is but the last time I saw any of his posts was awhile ago and so I had decided to start bringing out inspired builds just because I like the shapes
@Destroyerz117 that Minecraft porkchop 98% chance isn’t gonna come any time soon because that would bring a lot of attention and would more than likely be considered a meme thus getting the post removed and being pointless lol
Yeah I understand part count is really high but I assure you it was mainly for aesthetics for when the turret gets destroyed and leaves a whopping debri field
@ChiyomiAnzai he uses a program that he created to make his aircraft
What movie or show was this from?
The truck looks suspiciously familiar
@MAHADI thy neon colour
Too bad I can't use my Martian class heavy tank lol, but I guess I could use a new tank of sorts
@MAHADI the difference between me and SledDriver is I don’t use a computer programmer to make my stuff lol I have to plug in the nasty decimals by hand and use a calculator to spot the next painful decimal
@Brendorkus I never use yaw so I actually don’t know if it is inverted or not lol
(Sees IOS as the Platform) I see you’re a man of challenges as well with the creation of a build
+4@FrostyBoy I’m on mobile too bruh, you just gotta know what to do to make your page look nice, I haven’t had the time to do it because I got back from marine bootcamp but I’ll be doing so in the near future
Eh the anime isn’t too bad but it did get cheesy at times
+1Now watch me beach your boat
Looks like a robot from Battle Of Titans to me with those two manglers and javelin, my only complain is I don't see a sarisa or a hammer lol
Edit: I'm such an idiot for not reading the description where it clearly says battle of titans
+2Seeing that this is SledDriver's build I honestly think the black and gray on his looks better no offense
@Katagiri550 I hope your phone can handle it then despite both of us being on mobile lol
@Katagiri550 I’ve got something for you for when I get it posted, I’ll tag you and I’m sure you’ll be happy with it
Grant will indeed be missed May his light forever soar the endless skies of a never ending story
+3@Kurt there is an updated version of the Drej fighter and I have indeed thought of making the Valkyrie, I’m just trying to figure out how I’m gonna do it
Oh dear god the rumors are true it’s still going
@Thecatbaron hey I'm building a soft body passenger plane, is it alright if I use your wings and credit you or should I be original and make my own soft body wings lol
I spawned it in but lag proceeded to burn my phone
@TheFantasticTyphoon I assure you I have done nothing wrong for I did give credit, but as a second I am an IOS user and am unable to use scripting and/or mods towards absolutely copying SD’s scripting which he took down so no one else could use
Welp rip I can’t take part in this because I leave for bootcamp on August 19, literally
+2@AWESOMENESS360 that is because I am a mobile user myself lol
@USSR I honestly have no idea where SledDriver is but the last time I saw any of his posts was awhile ago and so I had decided to start bringing out inspired builds just because I like the shapes
@Quikzillian I’m an iOS player I can’t download even if I wanted to lol
cAnT dOwNlOaD wHeN iT hAs MoDs
@TheXDimension32 bro I’m on a phone not nasa super computer lol
Me: sees bomb type and goes and decides to make his own version from scratch instead of downloading and giving credit
+1If you do a hyper car challenge I just might take part in it because this car inspires me
+1@randomusername would you like me to do a final fantasy leviathan
@GamingKennle I’m afraid I have not
@Destroyerz117 I swear to god if we start a pixel art trend on SimplePlanes
+1@randomusername what? I don’t even play final fantasy
@Destroyerz117 that Minecraft porkchop 98% chance isn’t gonna come any time soon because that would bring a lot of attention and would more than likely be considered a meme thus getting the post removed and being pointless lol
Oh God it's still going
It looks a bit bulky does it not lol
This is gonna get part savvy like no other rip
I saw this on the battleship server oof first ever upvote from me
@MinecraftKidGuy even if it was a rename I wouldn’t do it lol
@MinecraftKidGuy yeah I could but I’m also not one to repost the same build publicly again anymore xD
It would’ve been nice If I this was posted before I posted my Falken because it would’ve helped greatly lol
Oh no it’s still going xD
Yeah what Blackhatt said
No worries about learning, it’s the one thing we all have in common as a community :)
+1Did fairly well for one of your first projects, I expect you to get better :D
Yeah I understand part count is really high but I assure you it was mainly for aesthetics for when the turret gets destroyed and leaves a whopping debri field
@JamesBoA not gonna lie I started snorting because I was laughing so hard at that comment
I want to see who is actually paying attention to certain builds hehehe
I remember the LEGO mars mission sets lol my favorite was the alien mothership since it basically had 4 creations in one
12 days remaining to those participating