@letsgofast11 Also check out my early planes, I have left them all uploaded. Look at the style but moe importantly look at the votes - not many to start with - for many months. Enjoy the game for the game, its not a competition! @Delphinus Well said.
Best way is to remove the nose cone, extend the fusalage forward and right at the front, zero height and width and the reduce the length. To reduce the nose cone is an edit of the xml file.
I've modded the engines for you x10, and dropped the rotators down to 5 degree rotation. I've moved the COM way forward. Still needs work on aerodynamics, maybe horizontal stablisers need to be bigger, and some balancing etc.
@Stampede Depends, on the fighter jets, I spend a fair bit of time researching and looking at pictures, however the build is maybe a 3 sessions eg. afternoons, unless I get a snag. The longer reseaching and thinking about the build the quicker it goes.
Files are located here: /Users/[name]/Library/Containers/com.jundroo.SimplePlanesOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/com.jundroo.SimplePlanesOSX/AircraftDesigns
You will need a text editor which uses CR's and NLs, not just the OSXs NLs, I use Notepad.app from the App Store
Its not mine, Rokell'a I think. Basically its twp fuel tanks, one with a huge amount of fuel and the other with a negative weight of the same value. So lots of fuel with nonadded weight. Modded via xml editing @DeViL
@TheJohnnyMan @rifqigamers1 @Cedy117 Thanks. Out of pure luck, I managed to take-off, do a quick turn-around and land all three with only the green one tipping over... hahaha
@letsgofast11 Also check out my early planes, I have left them all uploaded. Look at the style but moe importantly look at the votes - not many to start with - for many months. Enjoy the game for the game, its not a competition! @Delphinus Well said.
@mattmck Thanks, I would have used them as is, but they didnt wuite fit the time period... anywasy, brilliant looking Lewis guns!
@AeroAvionics23 Why do you ask?
@AeroEngineering I work for an engineering company.
@XVIindustries YES
@PuhBuhGuh I know, but they are cool!
@Lolivier Perhaps one should also check out what planes the seasoned players up-vote, I make a point of checking out new planes with no votes etc.
@AeroAvionics23 Thanks
I can try, whats the problem? @Lolivier
Welcome @RedBeard66
Bery cool
@CraftmasterPilot Good luck!
Great idea and those bombs drop just perfectly!
This will come in handy, good work!
Best way is to remove the nose cone, extend the fusalage forward and right at the front, zero height and width and the reduce the length. To reduce the nose cone is an edit of the xml file.
Its not so easy to get the towing working right and you have, well done.
Nice, plus the windows are great!
I've modded the engines for you x10, and dropped the rotators down to 5 degree rotation. I've moved the COM way forward. Still needs work on aerodynamics, maybe horizontal stablisers need to be bigger, and some balancing etc.
Clean lines, flys super, super fast. Good work!
@Stampede Depends, on the fighter jets, I spend a fair bit of time researching and looking at pictures, however the build is maybe a 3 sessions eg. afternoons, unless I get a snag. The longer reseaching and thinking about the build the quicker it goes.
@Stampede How g?
@Stampede All good and sure thing.
@Stampede Copy the link into your browser, I just tested it and it worked for me
Very cool. The engines look awsome, and the glider flys brilliant! And love the flaps!!! well done.
@SquidBlaster33 Thanks
@CraftmasterPilot Thats the file location in OSX where the xml file are for aircraft
@goboygo1 All good, just recognising good work!
Very nice cornering!
Files are located here: /Users/[name]/Library/Containers/com.jundroo.SimplePlanesOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/com.jundroo.SimplePlanesOSX/AircraftDesigns
You will need a text editor which uses CR's and NLs, not just the OSXs NLs, I use Notepad.app from the App Store
Thanks @FlOu
Its not mine, Rokell'a I think. Basically its twp fuel tanks, one with a huge amount of fuel and the other with a negative weight of the same value. So lots of fuel with nonadded weight. Modded via xml editing @DeViL
Thanks @TheLatentImage
Thanks @Cedy117
Try this:
Very nicely done with some good and new ideas!!!
Turning by yaw is amazing! wow!
@Delphinus Thats the problem definately.
Good work!
Will do, when I get home @RocketLL
I hope you liked it @AirfalconZR
Thanks @bobthetitan123
Yes, thatsbright... Change the 0.3 to 25 @XVIdarkLithium
@Delphinus Thanks, its in production!
@JoeAdkinson13 Thanks :)
@TheJohnnyMan @rifqigamers1 @Cedy117 Thanks. Out of pure luck, I managed to take-off, do a quick turn-around and land all three with only the green one tipping over... hahaha