@Authros Thanks. I studied your SU-37 extensiviely and I suspect most people may not realise that you have many many innovations on that jet, actually as well as all of your work. I suspect you can see where I have adopted your ideas with this jet... Thanks again...
@Planetinker Ahh, yes, same happened (is happening) to me :)... also a lot of people use the detachers for suspension. One of the Devs has a chasis, moonster truck I think, Murphy... which has been done realy well.
@TheLatentImage Thanks! I understand whats being said and I do make a point of scanning he New uploads regularly and there are many many cool and innovating planes being uploaded all the time...
@CraftmasterPilot Third, but updated with stronger wings, and missiles lowered. So one can go full blast with afterburners without worry of her self-destructing - haha (I won't call that a design flaw ie. my design, but... maybe...)
Posted 2 months ago! I cant beleie I missed this!
@Cjredwards I agree and you F16 is brilliant!
@Delphinus Nokia?
@Authros Thanks. I studied your SU-37 extensiviely and I suspect most people may not realise that you have many many innovations on that jet, actually as well as all of your work. I suspect you can see where I have adopted your ideas with this jet... Thanks again...
What is 'denisity'? anyone?
@Quintasoarus Hahaha.... yes, one needs a little bit of thinking ahead when going from 1000mph to 0... :) hihihi
Nice cockpit view!
@BattleBulge All ok, no dramas from me...
An ever so slight Italien theme?
Very cool...
@Planetinker Ahh, yes, same happened (is happening) to me :)... also a lot of people use the detachers for suspension. One of the Devs has a chasis, moonster truck I think, Murphy... which has been done realy well.
Good try!! It is difficult with the rope and with practice this flys ok...
Cool idea!
Superb! I have been working on aircraft carrier catapult, but pushing limits and things bowing up - this dampening idea is the solution! well done!
How to steer it?
@Cedy117 Hahaha... love it!
@TheLatentImage Thanks! I understand whats being said and I do make a point of scanning he New uploads regularly and there are many many cool and innovating planes being uploaded all the time...
@CraftmasterPilot Agree, jailbreaking creates more issues than its worth.
@XVIindustries hehehe, yep, we're thinking along the same lines!
@CraftmasterPilot Definately, a lot easier for the fine detail with out a doubt!
@CraftmasterPilot Third, but updated with stronger wings, and missiles lowered. So one can go full blast with afterburners without worry of her self-destructing - haha (I won't call that a design flaw ie. my design, but... maybe...)
@DAAviation2015 :)
@XVIindustries Thanks POO... :) I feel another trench-run video coming on... hmm....
@DAAviation2015 Thank you, really....
@XVIindustries hehehe
@TheJohnnyMan My strange sense of humor :)
Thanks @Lolivier
No, its all ok @DAAviation2015
@DAAviation2015 And red is not a good colour! hahahaha
@DAAviation2015 Cool, make it a successor if you can please... you would not believe how long it took to get that shape!
@DAAviation2015 I was workng on that just now, did you fix the thingy?
@AgnesDesign I think its called digital camo...
@Ctracerx2 Next week I am on vacation - hehehehe
@Viper28 It dosent see to be too adverse apart from the laggyness!
@TheLatentImage @Cedy117 @Planeez @FlOu Thanks!
@Cjredwards Please feel free!!! looking forward to seeing it!
@JacobHardy64 I could try...
What does it do?
Looks great!
This is super fun and very creative! Well done!
Very cool, flys really well and stable!
@FIOu @bobthetitan123 @WWIIPlaneBuilder Thanks
@AeroEngineering Hahaha... so true!
@LightningGamer Yes, I reackon... just imagine being so accurate!! wow
@ProKillaV12 Thank you :)
@Delphinus Ahh... :)
@Delphinus Yes?