@XVIindustries Flew from Murphey to Tarpley in 10 mins with 45% fuel left... landing was easy, but turning off engines took some figuring out... very nice flying experaince.
@Puredeath Yes, the wheels are tricky in this update, but I hear a rumor that that may change. I have done heaps of testing of wheels and very trciky right now to get some that dont explode...
@Puredeath This is so cool!!!!! The only thing I would suggest is put the forcks on an angle rise=-2.25. The rorators dont seem to be need at the top of the forks as well so you could make it look a little different. Performance seems good already, so itrs just looks really?
POO, all of your comments are more than welcome as long as you up vote me... @PlanesOfOld
Love the new props by the way, very cool!!! @WeeBabySeamus
Wierd things in foriegn countires eg. China blocks facebook, middl east blocks skype, indonesia blocks whatever they feel like! Hahaha @WeeBabySeamus
Thanks @WeeBabySeamus
Yes, but didn't want to spell it correctly in case of censors... @WeeBabySeamus
I love this plane!
@Viper28 I hear you brother! havng the same same...
@AgentObsidian A happy face right?
@AndrewGarrison Thanks!
Hahaha, this is so cool!
@PlanesOfOld Why twitching?
@FlOu Thanks!
Thanks @ramjet
Thanks Rohan, yes probably more of a quirk! @Rohan
Very quick!!! @Rohan
@C0naN0006xboxlive ok well then just dont care... all good.
Thanks, now russian music - good idea!!! @WalrusAircraft
Guys, are you ok if I use this great vehilce in a video? I have a SCUD missile attached to it... please let me know... tk. SR
Ahhhh... @Me600
What haopened???? @Me600
@Me600 All good... Typically use Dance or progressive dance... There is also roalty free music on the internet.
@BigCat Thank you :)
@PlanesOfOld - err.. I think I let you down.... Nice one LordOfLego
Sure @NuclearDisaster
I use NotePad, a basic text editor @Authros
WOW, awsome!
@XVIindustries Just doing a search on Wiki for traction engine - hold on... :)
Nice feel
@Puredeath The suspension is super, and apart from remounting the runway (explodes) this is pretty tough!
@XVIindustries hahahahahahaha You have been busy!
So cool!
@XVIindustries How could I not know that phrase!
The rear wheel is genius!
@XVIindustries Flew from Murphey to Tarpley in 10 mins with 45% fuel left... landing was easy, but turning off engines took some figuring out... very nice flying experaince.
@XVIindustries You're welcome!
@XVIindustries Hmmm... XVI - what is this?
Love it!!!!!!
@PlanesOfOld Wow! Backup before use....
@Ctracerx2 Not long... a week or so I reckon
Wow, nice!
@Meawk Thanks
@Puredeath Nice!
@PlanesOfOld Hahaha, can't wait to see them...
@Puredeath Yes, the wheels are tricky in this update, but I hear a rumor that that may change. I have done heaps of testing of wheels and very trciky right now to get some that dont explode...
@ElijtheGeat Yes I do... I'll give you a demo... but in a few hours ok...
@Me600 You need to edit the files through the text editor, then save, then reload... Its very manual!
@PlanesOfOld Ahhh... I thought so :)
@ElijtheGeat Yes, your username... if you look in Finder HD/users you will see it there.
@Puredeath This is so cool!!!!! The only thing I would suggest is put the forcks on an angle rise=-2.25. The rorators dont seem to be need at the top of the forks as well so you could make it look a little different. Performance seems good already, so itrs just looks really?