This has got to be the best build of the month, if not six months... this is so well thought out and executed - totally impressed! (I need to upgrade my MacBook pro as a result of this!)
Thanks and yes, this was a bit of an accident... just testing the Predecessor link (added the link via xml), plus a teaser - knowing that our good buddy is a teaser meister!
You normally provide a good critic, however this time I think you need to take a closer look. The turret is completely remodelled, the 50 cals are new, there is a truck load more detail as well... the whole axis stabilisation is new, no gyro's are used etc...
Anyways have a good day!
From memory you need to use wing parts as sails and set them to flat in order to create lift and therefore a force that can move the ship upwind... very nice build by the way!
Well I would have built the Australian version but it only has 2 guns! so...
It might be your physics settings???
Thats pretty funny!
+2Very skilful flying, amazing!
+2Yep, but need to check with the new update
+2@wonkapilot @Alta2809
@jamesPLANESii @P0TET0Z @Biscool Thanks guys
+2I agree also
+2I love the gun vibration!!! this is new I think!
+2I think you are!
+2This has got to be the best build of the month, if not six months... this is so well thought out and executed - totally impressed! (I need to upgrade my MacBook pro as a result of this!)
+2:) a side effect of the new propeller
Thanks and yes, this was a bit of an accident... just testing the Predecessor link (added the link via xml), plus a teaser - knowing that our good buddy is a teaser meister!
The Gif is brilliant!!!
+2Nicely done...
+2Is it just me or does the wheel fall off when this loads? It took 2 seconds to fix it... Clearly I'm missing something here...
+2So cute!
+2You normally provide a good critic, however this time I think you need to take a closer look. The turret is completely remodelled, the 50 cals are new, there is a truck load more detail as well... the whole axis stabilisation is new, no gyro's are used etc...
+2Anyways have a good day!
I'm so jealous! How? are you in the game so to speak?
Very cool
+2Man you do some cool stuff!!!!
+2Of course!!!
From memory you need to use wing parts as sails and set them to flat in order to create lift and therefore a force that can move the ship upwind... very nice build by the way!
+2Yes, it takes some patience
Understand that, but changing the background colour would work.
This is so good, I can't stop messing around with it!
+2SOLVED - one of those things did it! the thing is the stand thingy have 30 boom25s on it and it would just explode when spawned!
@Armyguy1534 @GeneralOliverVonBismarck @Armyguy1534
+2you're welcome, and seriously, this jet looks damn good!!!!
I hear you - writing can easily be taken the wrong way, anyways I appreciate any comments on my uploads as always.
All good - there are some very well done entries so far. My entry is just for fun:)
SHe is big!
+2You found it!
It takes a while, just try harder
Nice and simple! Love it
+2Still works for me - try reading the instructions - about 14% thrust for VTOL take off
Veery good! Well done al round!
+2Yes... jusst...
+26 weeks in Kaz, coming home in 4 days
Of course!
So good... I’m trying this as I type! Pics and explanation all very clear - thanks for this!
+2Love the part count!
+2This is brilliant! Thank you!!!
+2Very cool
+1@HazerzIsBack fantastic, can’t wait to see it!
+1This is fun to play around with. Great controls and easy!!!
@jakes54panhead Using FunkyTrees - check the rotators that hold the engines in place for the code.
+1Absolutely brilliant!