@XA2XCK2 99% of the comments say otherwise. But if it really sounds terrible, try doing a flyby (the sound glitches when first load a level, this fixes it).
The mesh and any special behaviours that I want to be on a part are saved together with the mod as separate gameobjects. At runtime these gameobjects are loaded with the ResourceLoader and parented to the corresponding part's root object. Any special components on these gameobjects are initialized and referenced by a custom part modifier behaviour. It may sound complicated but the concept is very simple :). @MOPCKOEDNISHE
I won't be looking into this mod for a while (I've got other plans for now), but turboprops are a nice suggestion and I may add some of those you listed in the future in a new update. @EternalDarkness
@DerekSP I'm having little motivation to mod stuff these days. I may get back on track in the future though.
If you want to get it into Unity, you can just drag the .blend file into the inspector. Or save the file into the assets folder of your project.
This is great stuff
+1@AirPlaneBrosTM Those are some common issues. You must grab the engines near the middle for it to work. Mirroring should be fine though.
+1@JangoTheMango They are physical objects that you can collide with, but when they hit anything they immediately self-destruct the next frame.
@jamesPLANESii I never though of that... I'll see what I can do.
@randomusername Interesting, I may give it a shot when I got time.
+1@AirPlaneBrosTM Ok? I can't do anything with that, if you want me to change something you should consider elaborating some more on the issue.
@Kerbango Lol
@destroyerP It will destroy your plane if youre unlucky enough to get hit, but they dont do splash damage yet, unfortunately.
@Chancey21 That's a good idea, and I was thinking about that. But don't expect too much because I've got other plans for now.
That looks really cool
@Pilothouston5 Yes
@highlander1337 I have no experience with IPC so I can't help you with that. Perhapse you should ask someone else.
Thats beautiful..
+1@GearsNSuch Thanks bro
@highlander1337 You can run your code in the unity editor, but to test your mod you should just open it in simpleplanes.
What do you mean by mod codes?
@XA2XCK2 99% of the comments say otherwise. But if it really sounds terrible, try doing a flyby (the sound glitches when first load a level, this fixes it).
+2@canard35 Thx btw
@canard35 Oh I must have forgot to update the version number of the mod itself! Will be fixed soon
@Iron17 what does the red word say?
@Airs sound good :D
+1@Roswell Thanks man
@Airs @CrashFighter05 I've updated the android download. I just need to know if it's working now though.
+1@TheOwlAce Everything regarding part scale should be fixed now.
@AdlerSteiner Noice
@Awsomur Thx
That map looks amazing
+1Lol @Awsomur
@TheDerpingMemes @AikoFoxNeko @ThePilotDude Thaaanks
THank you @Delphinos
Good luck @Caveman999
Haha thnx @AdlerSteiner
That's great, good luck with your build. @Kerbango
Cool stuff
@WNP78 I was thinking the same thing, it couldn't be an array so what would it be? lol
The mesh and any special behaviours that I want to be on a part are saved together with the mod as separate gameobjects. At runtime these gameobjects are loaded with the ResourceLoader and parented to the corresponding part's root object. Any special components on these gameobjects are initialized and referenced by a custom part modifier behaviour. It may sound complicated but the concept is very simple :). @MOPCKOEDNISHE
+2@vonhubert Hey thanks for all the upvotes man :)
@DeezDucks Not for now, but I may experiment with car engines in the future (no promises though)
@vonhubert Turboprops and contrarotation will be considered in a future update
@grizzlitn @Type2volkswagen Thnks
Nice, are you using a game engine? @LegnaK
Hey, I just stumbled across this while searching the forums. That's a cool idea for a game you've got there. Have you made any progress on it?
Not for now, perhaps in a future update but that can take a while. @DemonSniper8
@stig27 @HistoricBirds @MOPCKOEDNISHE Thx
I won't be looking into this mod for a while (I've got other plans for now), but turboprops are a nice suggestion and I may add some of those you listed in the future in a new update. @EternalDarkness
@Roswell Thank you
+1@MrSilverWolf Can you provide a screenshot of the error or atleast a sample? so I can try figuring it out.
@JangoTheMango Thanks man, I appreciate that.