37 Stealthyflyboi Comments

  • AC-47 Spooky 6.5 years ago

    I can get close, but I can't get the perfect angle so it doesn't climb or descend. Does anybody have tips to make a successful pylon turn?

  • SR's Lockheed Martin F-35B 6.6 years ago

    Could you also make a mobile friendly B-2 Spirit please?

  • F-6 6.6 years ago

    Lol forgot there's a planes called the F6. At this point idc there's just too many planes and too many designations.

  • SR's Lockheed Martin F-35B 6.6 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor I made a stealth fighter I called the F6. I would like some tips on how to build better. I use galaxy S8 and no mods. So my plane is stock.

  • SR's Lockheed Martin F-35B 6.6 years ago

    I have to admit you are my favorite builder. Your planes are extremely accurate to real life and are mobile friendly. At least they are compatible for galaxy S8. Not only do they look good they perform amazingly. The F22 is so accurate that the top speed is even correct. I wish I could build like that.

  • F-6 6.6 years ago

    Approx. 12 sec turn time, 1008mph top speed take off about 220mph. Pitch control is very touchy on take off so take off slowly.