1,358 Sunkray

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joined 5.5 years ago

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God I love being Indonesian
SimpleRockets2 Account
Power thingy that i play with when im bored, just here incase if i forget the link

Believe it or not, my first experience in playing SimplePlanes was in late 2014, and my first experiece USING the SimplePlanes website was in mid 2015.

I dont exactly remember my first account, i only remember the second account since that was where i really got attention to the SimplePlanes website. And if i remember correctly, i created this second account when ccooper was still a user! The name of my secobd account was 'Maard-something" and it got 3000 points befire i deleted it.

The third account was the most succesfull (Third time's the charm) it was Moscowski-something and it got 5000 points till i deleted it. Can't believe I used foreign personas previously, thankfully I'm no longer cringe

Due to how long I've been playing SimplePlanes, this game will hold a special place in my heart, like Minecraft.

Previously known as shunkray