851 THEOKPILOT Comments

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles sounds nice! I like the idea! Maybe I will get it soon.

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles no? What is rec room?

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles so if you get the MP mod, there is a button that says MP. There is an ip in one of the boxes. Change the ip to that ip, turn off localhost, and play!

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    Always go to server um.... 160 something.

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles conversaiton on the site are so akward. I need to refresh to see another comment. Darn

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles yeah. I never use yaw tho. I find yaw very unstable and basiclly useless.

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles yeah, i got a stick. You would be better off with a controller. My arm hurts....

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles i mean, my joystick is so heavy, i get cramps trying to fly my S.M.79 SparrowHawk.

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles yeah. Wasd sucks. I use a joystick.

  • Ok I’m sorry 11 days ago

    @Bearclaw189 is the base repaired?

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles wait what?

  • "Unfriendly" welcome (likely) 11 days ago

    @WHNineTripleOne you are fine now in my mind. It has been 1.1 years. Welcome home komrade!

  • SH-RS-100-H "The Sky Decends Devil" 11 days ago

    This looks like a 1990 version of an IL-2. NEAT!

  • German Flagon 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles what even is all this stuff about german planes?

  • Fastjet 200 Cargo (lower part count) 11 days ago

    @THEOKPILOT i mean green.

  • Fastjet 200 Cargo (lower part count) 11 days ago

    @crazyplaness why is your points greeb?

  • [FIXED] I can't download planes 11 days ago

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 i saw you on mp! Please, spread the word!

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles cool! I mean mobile is more, well, mobile tho. I use both mobile AND pc.

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles hey, i got an italian bomber, you think we should go bomb something?

  • I'm on my laptop 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles noice.

  • Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero 11 days ago

    I attacked the Uss beast fleet and survived. The plane is a little tail heavy. Really tail heavy.

  • Rocket-Bomb 11 days ago

    @cruiseman101 then.. youre in for it now. I think that is probably a crime. Pls dont do it.

  • Rocket-Bomb 11 days ago

    @cruiseman101 like dont do this irl.

  • Rocket-Bomb 11 days ago

    @cruiseman101 its fine. As long as you dont REALLY make it, youre fine. Hundreds of users make stuff like this. They never get in trouble.

  • My 4-year old cousins plane 11 days ago

    I mean brawl

  • My 4-year old cousins plane 11 days ago

    Jeez what a brwl!

  • Il-2 Sturmovik 11 days ago

    Bro! I got a platnum upvote! Yes!

  • !Me-464-A Super Schwable FIXED 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles they did have their own projects. They didnt just steal germanys jets and go off of that.

  • !Me-464-A Super Schwable FIXED 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles I mean, i think jets from other nation would exist, but not be as advanced.

  • !Me-464-A Super Schwable FIXED 11 days ago

    Yo the third reich is still up. Dang.

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 11 days ago

    knownbug Torpedo issue gets annoying when i take screenshots.

  • Rocket-Bomb 11 days ago

    Being german is fine! I knew a guy who was german and he was nice.

  • !Me-464-A Super Schwable FIXED 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles So wait, was this gonna be an actual fighter?

  • !Me-464-A Super Schwable FIXED 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles so what do you want us to do with this?

  • I have an idea 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles absolutley!

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles I like when planes run on ai. I made a seris of dive bombers(8 different models) and they make up 50 percent of spawns.

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles who is that?

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles Me too. My goal is too make planes that look good, but also have a low part count.

  • Cluster Bomb 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles we need this on the big chungus plane!

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles ok. But im not plauing the computer rn... maybe in a couple mins.

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles i mean, it only lags when a bunch (like 4) people join with a total part count of about 1500.

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles yeah. I use my 2015 era laptop.

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles my mom was ruining me couldnt respond, sorry!

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles of course. I use a laptop.

  • F-24(Advanced) 11 days ago

    @SamuelC i have seen only one other guy who like the devastator. COOL!

  • F-24(Advanced) 11 days ago

    @SamuelC Wait really!? Sorry i couldnt respond, my mom was being a jerk, ruining my life yet again.

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    BTW you need a COMPUTER to run multiplayer. I dont want to get swarmed with people asking "CaN yOu RuN Mp oN MoBiLe?"

  • Multiplayer servers. 11 days ago

    @SpartanSR91 @RepublicofWrightIsles @DogthatmakesPlanes

  • F-24(Advanced) 11 days ago

    @SamuelC IK. i tryed to make a version of someones TBD plane, but i dont think they will respond(maybe inactive). should i just upload it and give credit. Note that my plane is significantly different from his.

  • Beechcraft-18-Float plane 11 days ago

    @WinsWings How do you do it?