@TTL Yes, i definetly deserve that.
Yeet bois.
a HeliKopeTer hAs FallEn inTo THe RivEr In lEgo city! BUild tHe MAn To rEsCue It!
Idk a passenger jet could do that... without toatally disingetrating.
"Not agile": does 50 inverted loops.
@QuesoAirlines IDK. I just stumble upon stuff like this.
@MAHADI jeez bro.
This guy was right about a good many of these.
Great jet!
Where is the hump on top?
@GabeT True.
I was white rank just a few weeks ago!
Would like some Beef Jerky.
@Strikefighter04 True bro.
Builds like this deserve more attention! Here's my upvote!
@Dishwasher2005 @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26
@RepublicofWrightIsles Im gonna play on the 160 server.
@RepublicofWrightIsles Hi!
You must be a new guy. Pretty good starter plane tho.
Torpedo engine kills me. It is a cool idea, it just doeznt work anymore.
Collect wings lol
This isnt very sluggish, it is very responsive and manuverable.
@Paper Ikr XD
@RepublicofWrightIsles @dogthatmakesplanes
Tbd devastator.
@MechWARRIOR57 that isnt illigal! i know many people who are playing cracked versions, have annuoced it, and have not been banned.
maybe 30 if you count the VT-8 massacre....
i got 25...
@Wallaby jeez bro... you calling all da cops.
Am i the only one who will never buy SP?
@V no i use one and im not in the dungeon sooooo......
@PPLLAANNEE idk. i just did.
@JosephT im playing that server btw.
@JosephT the server is!
@PPLLAANNEE neither work as of 2022. the only working one is @Viper0219 .
@Toscio56 We need to find a way to make server 160 more alive.
@HellFireKoder well i mean, server 157 is down, and localhositng a server doesnt work either. can you pls help fix that?
@KhaledGhaziwhacker i can.
Im back.
I liked the other color better tho. Dont see enough yellow wings planes.
Im remeberence of the Torpedo squadron members who died on the morning of June 4, 1942.
@jamesPLANESii I think Google got rid of mods on purpose. I think it had something to do with them not trusting mods.
@Paper nah make the coding website to make the coding website to make the coding website.
Mine craft Java, beware.
@Paris88LinkAlternatif we don't want what u r selling!
@Paris88LinkAlternatif who R U?
@TTL Yes, i definetly deserve that.
Yeet bois.
a HeliKopeTer hAs FallEn inTo THe RivEr In lEgo city! BUild tHe MAn To rEsCue It!
Idk a passenger jet could do that... without toatally disingetrating.
"Not agile": does 50 inverted loops.
@QuesoAirlines IDK. I just stumble upon stuff like this.
@MAHADI jeez bro.
This guy was right about a good many of these.
Great jet!
Where is the hump on top?
@GabeT True.
I was white rank just a few weeks ago!
Would like some Beef Jerky.
@Strikefighter04 True bro.
Builds like this deserve more attention! Here's my upvote!
@Dishwasher2005 @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26
@RepublicofWrightIsles Im gonna play on the 160 server.
@RepublicofWrightIsles Hi!
You must be a new guy. Pretty good starter plane tho.
Torpedo engine kills me. It is a cool idea, it just doeznt work anymore.
Collect wings lol
This isnt very sluggish, it is very responsive and manuverable.
@Paper Ikr XD
@RepublicofWrightIsles @dogthatmakesplanes
Tbd devastator.
@MechWARRIOR57 that isnt illigal! i know many people who are playing cracked versions, have annuoced it, and have not been banned.
maybe 30 if you count the VT-8 massacre....
i got 25...
@Wallaby jeez bro... you calling all da cops.
Am i the only one who will never buy SP?
@V no i use one and im not in the dungeon sooooo......
@PPLLAANNEE idk. i just did.
@JosephT im playing that server btw.
@JosephT the server is!
@PPLLAANNEE neither work as of 2022. the only working one is @Viper0219 .
@Toscio56 We need to find a way to make server 160 more alive.
@HellFireKoder well i mean, server 157 is down, and localhositng a server doesnt work either. can you pls help fix that?
@KhaledGhaziwhacker i can.
Im back.
I liked the other color better tho. Dont see enough yellow wings planes.
Im remeberence of the Torpedo squadron members who died on the morning of June 4, 1942.
@jamesPLANESii I think Google got rid of mods on purpose. I think it had something to do with them not trusting mods.
@Paper nah make the coding website to make the coding website to make the coding website.
Mine craft Java, beware.
@Paris88LinkAlternatif we don't want what u r selling!
@Paris88LinkAlternatif who R U?