0 Tate7306 Comments

  • JM-8 G 'Rapier' 4.2 years ago

    Honestly one of the better world war warplanes I have flown it has an amazing sound to it and it has a nice weapon enabling the system and can be flown with no worries of crashing and remodeling before putting it to use. I would lIke to show my interest in the cockpit it has some pretty cool features such as a full dashboard and a closing canopy which I love to see in a build. overall I like to build a lot and I think it has a lot of great values. One thing is I do not recommend trying to remodel or try to switch any parts out as any slight switch will terminate this plane's ability to fly. I did try to adjust the propellers but instead of getting something nice, I got a plane that's propellers to break mid-flight out of thin air. other than that have fun with the plane it can be a good one to use for the WW2 destroyer mission.