1,200 TexMexz

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joined 4.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hi! I'm Tex, I'm a simple guy who makes simple planes! (hahahhaha), anyways, I try and make my craft low-part count and look wonderful at the same time. I got this habit from making planes in KSP! (over 3000+ hours... help)

Here are some PRIME examples!

Thank you all for the Bronze! It's crazy cool to see you guys download and enjoy my crafts! Will work on more stuff!

What I'm doing atm:
-think thonking of what aircraft I should build next, some suggestions would be nice! ;)

!Do NOT repost my aircraft unless you ask me about it, or give me credit in the description!

((If you want to contact me on any suggestions, hangout, or even work on a craft together, here is my discord: TexMex#1221))
(((and no, I don't use blender)))


First got SimplePlanes: December 26th, 2015
Account Made: February 3rd, 2021

Bronze: Saturday, February 5th, 2021
Silver: Thursday, July 22nd, 2021
Platinum: Mayshlaps