1,815 ThatAircraftCompany Comments

  • WWII Challenge [CLOSED] 5.7 years ago

    Are mods ok?

  • Kliment Voroshilov - 2-2-2 5.7 years ago

    Flat turreted one, i can add the cupola, just need the basic shape with a barrel

  • Bergepanzer VI "Bergetiger" (with Tracks 2 mod) 5.7 years ago

    Thanks, i will upload it unlisted when i get the chance

  • Kliment Voroshilov - 2-2-2 5.7 years ago

    Could you make a low as possible while still being able to tell what it is supposed to be part count T-34/76 or 85 turret, and maybe a low part count Panther-esque hull with no details just the basic shape dont need it hollow just a solid one, i can finish everything else just need a turret for one of my current builds and a hull for a future one (both are preferred to be as close to actual size as you can), I'm looking for someone to help with my mobile friendly tank builds sorry if this is too much to ask but I figured I might as well try these two things are if you have the time

  • Kliment Voroshilov - 2-2-2 5.7 years ago

    When are you going to build KV6 cyka

  • Bergepanzer VI "Bergetiger" (with Tracks 2 mod) 5.7 years ago

    Could you help with a tank I'm building by getting the suspension where it doesn't bounce horribly going over curbs at Wright and Yeager when I'm done?

  • Tracks 2 5.7 years ago

    Do you have plans on adding a speed limiter like on V1

  • Bergepanzer VI "Bergetiger" (with Tracks 2 mod) 5.7 years ago

    What values did you use to get the tracks mod to look like that?

  • Tracks 2 5.7 years ago

    sees interleaved wheels
    Time to build kraut tanks

  • Panzer VII Maus 5.7 years ago

    Not trying to be rude or anything but this is the Panzer VIII not the VII just a minor detail that might make someone incredibly angry and they just leave mean comments because of it, but this is a well built tank, just wish my phone could handle it (don't know how high of a part count my phone can handle at the moment)

  • Takitech Part Ordering is over 5.7 years ago

    Sorry to ask but for those of us who had and used certain parts such as certain engines and visual parts that were already built but no longer have them due to switching devices could we be tagged in them, if so could I be tagged in that simple suspension post and a couple others as I see a need for them while I get back into the game?

  • Akina Style Tuner Wing 6.0 years ago

    how many parts does the wing itself have

  • Suspension kit Ver1.0 6.0 years ago

    Do you think you could try to do a bell crank suspension like those found on Japanese tanks of WWII

  • Please let this be a normal field trip 6.4 years ago

    With the Frizz, no way

  • FSGK-Team Takitech 6.8 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation i can be a driver, i think i have a screen recorder on my phone and might be able to find some free time

  • Activity 6.9 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation To where the average player can land it while keeping the overall look

  • Activity 6.9 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation and get it to where people can land it without having it to be absolutely perfect, please

  • Activity 6.9 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation can you tag me in the fighter plane you helped me with

  • Activity 6.9 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 i go in on Tuesday for the interview

  • Activity 6.9 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation i go in on Tuesday for the interview

  • Activity 6.9 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 i will be back soon (hopefully) with some smaller builds and hopefully bigger ones when i earn enough for a decent computer

  • Activity 6.9 years ago

    @TakicraftCorporation i will be back soon (hopefully) with some smaller builds and hopefully bigger ones when i earn enough for a decent computer

  • Activity 6.9 years ago


  • Bush Plane 7.0 years ago

    You are not wrong

  • Bush Flying Challenge (Concluded, Congrats to BogdanX for winning!) 7.0 years ago

    Would a low wing craft be ok instead of a high wing

  • Lynix Dioscuria Coupe [Interior Prototype] 7.0 years ago

    Looks great but the steering wheel could be a bit bigger just looks a bit too small for me

  • Flying iPhone 5s 7.0 years ago

    does it break at the slightest tap like a real one

  • 1986 Toyota Sprinter Trueno 7.0 years ago

    again you are everywhere, are you omnipresent here in SP

  • 1986 Toyota Sprinter Trueno 7.0 years ago


  • High voltage pylons 7.0 years ago

    I see you everywhere

  • Overload 7.0 years ago

    how do you even get the menu for it to even pop up i tried selecting a part and clicking on it but nothing happens

  • Ultimate Life Hack 7.0 years ago


  • Lynix Albarian Sport 7.0 years ago

    exterior design is quite good, the lights look great I would recommend trying an interior, if you need help ask someone who has experience in building vehicles with interiors, eventually you will be able to build those parts on your own

  • I'm in tears 7.0 years ago

    Atleast you're ok but i would be quite upset to if i lost a gaming pc that i put quite a bit into

  • USS Silent Bear SPF-S-CVN-10 1.0 7.0 years ago

    Im just waiting for a 1:1 scale replica of an aircraft carrier

  • Planet Express Ship 7.0 years ago

    @FlyingHonda27 bite my splintery wooden...

  • Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer 7.0 years ago

    with credit

  • Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer 7.0 years ago

    can i use the chassis

  • Planet Express Ship 7.0 years ago

    "Bite my glorious golden..."

  • Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer 7.0 years ago

    My phone should be able to handle this

  • What mod do you want me to make? 7.0 years ago

    2 with android users in mind

  • 1.8 suggestions 7.0 years ago

    It does have mods so atleast get the 120mm gun for it to work as designed

  • 1.8 suggestions 7.0 years ago

    @FlyingHonda27 it does have mods so atleast get the 120mm for it to perform right

  • 1.8 suggestions 7.0 years ago

    @FlyingHonda27 if you want i can tag you in a weaponized truck i built

  • 1.8 suggestions 7.0 years ago

    @FlyingHonda27 i atleast want the tracks, tank cannons (different ones from various countries), and some machine guns such as a 50 cal for the secondary vehicle mounted weapon

  • 1.8 suggestions 7.0 years ago

    We need this stuff now but the ground deformation would just change the game and would destroy some peoples devices and/or lower end computers

  • Snow Removal Vehicle Challenge 7.0 years ago

    2 things

    1.) Would a small/medium sized tractor with a plow on the front be a light or heavy vehicle (custom built not based on any real tractor in particular, some inspiration from a real one)
    2.) How to add pictures to descriptions

  • Takswagen Snow Plow Truck 7.0 years ago

    Im thinking about entering my Snow plow tractor

  • Tesla Model S p90d 7.0 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 a sports car should be more aerodynamic than a sedan

  • Tesla Model S p90d 7.0 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 why didnt elon do that instead it would be much cheaper