@Diloph could you make a p-36 aerobatic version?
I was wondering if you could do a SBD DAUNTLESS dive bomber since you don't see many of those
Hey I've got a build request...
@Pnicks15 that perfect I was going to ask about the P-47
I was wondering, could you make a Plymouth superbird version of one of these?
Nice flight model and characteristics i like :)
Ok @diloph
@BreadIsAfruit a little janky I get it
@BreadIsAfruit hey I've seen alot of your aircraft and I was wondering if you could make a Curtis P-36 when you had the free time
@jelybaca I was wondering if you could make a SBD dauntless dive bomber with the new update because I am currently looking for a newer one but haven't seen one
@Pnicks15 I have a request for an aircraft if you could make it because I haven't seen anything yet
@Pnicks15 oops okay thanks
What's the recommended landing speed?
It's not bad maybe a flatter frame and a wider wheel base
@Diloph could you make a p-36 aerobatic version?
+1I was wondering if you could do a SBD DAUNTLESS dive bomber since you don't see many of those
+1Hey I've got a build request...
+1@Pnicks15 that perfect I was going to ask about the P-47
+1I was wondering, could you make a Plymouth superbird version of one of these?
Nice flight model and characteristics i like :)
Ok @diloph
@BreadIsAfruit a little janky I get it
@BreadIsAfruit hey I've seen alot of your aircraft and I was wondering if you could make a Curtis P-36 when you had the free time
@jelybaca I was wondering if you could make a SBD dauntless dive bomber with the new update because I am currently looking for a newer one but haven't seen one
@Pnicks15 I have a request for an aircraft if you could make it because I haven't seen anything yet
@Pnicks15 oops okay thanks
What's the recommended landing speed?
It's not bad maybe a flatter frame and a wider wheel base