345 TheAce Comments

  • Vaun 7.2 years ago

    ITS SO CUTE!!!!!

  • 30-S 7.2 years ago

    @Stellarlabs I have changed accounts, I’m now ProfessorSTEAM

  • CS.9 7.2 years ago

    Ooooooo. Preaty

  • 1942 Ford GPW 7.3 years ago

    Hey everyone, futher testing showed me a problem with the car doing a wheelie when you accelerate. Troubleshooting the problem I found a uneven weight distribution in the back, to solve go to the ammo crates in the back and reduce each ones weight. Each one is about 1000lbs-1500lbs.

  • 1942 Ford GPW 7.3 years ago

    @BogdanX I know and if you read the description I tried to give them Credit but did not know the Name of the person OR the aircraft. I had gotten this design about 2 months ago and took the car off as a sub assembly and deleted the Helicopter. But thank you for letting me know who built it, and what the name of the helicopter is. As an editor of airplanes, (because I am not good at making my own and they look like crap) I will try to give every author his/her credit if the original build.

  • Oregon F1 Tree Topper 7.3 years ago

    @Stellarlabs I was messing around, playing this morning. I was really bored

  • CARGO CHALLENGE!!! 7.3 years ago

    Does it have to be a replica?

  • CARGO CHALLENGE!!! 7.3 years ago

    Challenge accepted

  • Polikarpov Po-2 7.3 years ago

    @Stellarlabs, oof, I see what you mean, but the looks are great!

  • CS.2 7.3 years ago

    @ StellarLabs K

  • CS.2 7.3 years ago

    @Stellarlabs how do you do that?

  • CS.2 7.3 years ago

    @Stellarlabs that would be cool, and thanks for the great compliment. But what chat site would we talk on. I prefer google chats. But understand that I am cautious about this because I can edit aircraft pretty well but cannot build them. Do you have an email and do you have Gmail?

  • CS.2 7.3 years ago

    @Stellarlabs No thank you! I love your CS.1, I just wanted a passenger and some way to get off the ground without using ramps.(still haven’t figured it out, but Testing in progress). Where did you find inspiration?

  • Beechcraft King Air 9.1 years ago

    It's a company.

  • Schweizer SGS 2-33 Cadet Glider 9.1 years ago

    Yeah, it's civil air patrol the United States Air Force auxiliary. We use the rank Cadet for newbees@DeezDucks

  • Schweizer SGS 2-33 Cadet Glider 9.1 years ago

    Are you part of CAP?
    C/Sra Walker

  • Beechcraft King Air 9.1 years ago
