524 TheKillerHawk21 Comments

  • Oracle Challenger II (cant figure out how to make it fly better) 8.7 years ago

    @BogdanX this plane is very short in real life. Although it may not be 100% accurate but it's scaling is very accurate.

  • Oracle Challenger II (cant figure out how to make it fly better) 8.7 years ago

    @ccooper I would use fusalage blocks however I am using mobile and they don't work as well, or are as modifiable on it. But thanks for the tips.

  • Star wars Challenge 9.2 years ago

    U press the upvote button next to the pictures and information @slimetech

  • My first plane (uses up fuel too fast but its ok ill update it) 9.3 years ago

    @simpleplanespro30 Nice first plane, my first plane spun out and never worked, it also looked horrible, i think if yo make the fusalage out of he fuel so its not so heavy and more arrow dynamic it will consume fuel less quickly, it also might help if you change the engines. Keep working at it.

  • TIN-27 9.3 years ago

    @tominator ok will do, still think it looks grest on this plane.

  • TIN-27 9.3 years ago

    I really like this plane. Good iob! Looks great espefially the cockpit

  • C-130J 9.3 years ago

    @Authros it is definatly not the second island, i have also seen this other places just lesd clear and defined than now. It also wasnt really an island at all with no water in sigh other than a few pools.

  • C-130J 9.3 years ago

    @Authros , umm behind the cockpit while still in that part on the wall i saw a mystery land that isnt any of the maps, have you seen this? Im really confused. I took a screen shot if your interested you could give me your email or something and i can send them to you. Other than that it is a grest plane. I love the flaps that can move just like the real plane. Great job!

  • X-wing: The Force Awakens(Full interior) 9.3 years ago

    This is truely amazing, great job

  • Cubes - which one is 3D, which is 2D? 9.6 years ago

    Sorry in a bit late to the party for say. I guess I can't really guess can I. I really like the illusions here. I'm going to download it and see how this masterpiece has been put together. Good job SR.

  • Stunt plane 9.7 years ago

    Np @kikasshes

  • Stunt plane 9.7 years ago

    Oh ok@kikasshes lets see speed was 8 I think then maneuverability was also 7 then speed stopping was 10 good job, and then looks were 6 I think

  • 747 Missile Ship Mk.2 9.7 years ago

    Ok il go check it out when I get home, iv been away the past week. @CorvetteCole

  • Stunt plane 9.7 years ago

    @kikasshes yah made a note on my iPad while I tested on my phone. My scoring was speed maneuverability speed stopping( how long it takes to get below 150 if it goes over 500 and under 500 it's below 50) finally is looks and then I get my total.

  • Stunt plane 9.7 years ago

    @kikasshes it would be a tie with 3 Ed place which is 31/40 good job

  • Stunt plane 9.7 years ago

    Ok a bit late the challenge has ended but il still see how it goes. If it beats any of the others il change the thing. The reason I couldn't update the top is because it always gave me an error

  • Heavy Missile Bomber 9.7 years ago

    Nice changes but you should have made an effort for the original owner and not the one who made the ants of with glider. The original owner.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    I had to do that because it was giving me errors otherwise.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    I have issued a challenge to see who can make the best stunt plane. I will be "grading" the planes in order of functionability, speed, looks ( i think it would be beter if it looks realistic) and finally size. Remember stunt planes are never all that big. I will end the challenge when i have enough compedators. First place gets 5, 5 star ratings, second 4, 5 star ratings and third 3, 5 star ratings. All contestants will get a 5 star rating for their participation We have our finals. In 3rd place we have @LordofLego 's stunt plane with a 31 of 40 total. In 2nd place we have @karlosdarkness 's stunt plane with a 34 of 40 total. And finally in first place we have @Viper28 's stunt plane with a whopping 36 of 40 total. Thank you all for competing in this challenge. Stay posted for future challenges and new planes and ideas. -TKH21

  • 747 Missile Ship Mk.2 9.7 years ago

    Meh il jest wait until it gets onto steam. Besides it would be better on a pc anyways

  • 747 Missile Ship Mk.2 9.7 years ago

    @CorvetteCole yah so I take it that is something you can do on a pic and not iOS? I'm sure il get it on my of when it comes out on steam.

  • 747 Missile Ship Mk.2 9.7 years ago

    Not flown the first ones but considering the reviews I can tell this one is better. I really like the plane, how did you make the nose cones so big? Is that something you can do on the of version?

  • Cessna A37-B Dragonfly 9.7 years ago

    @Authros how do you make the landis gear retract. Are there better things in the of version that I don't know about. Should I get it when it comes out on steam. Can you make the spinning blocks invisible.

  • Cessna A37-B Dragonfly 9.7 years ago

    Authros, wow I really like this jet. Was this inspired my the much older Messerschmitt Me 262. Because it reminds me of it.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness um how do you fly it. I tried to take off and all it does is spin and spin

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness ok

  • JUDGING COMMENCED. 9.7 years ago

    Ok that sounds good @Hypnoticchicken

  • JUDGING COMMENCED. 9.7 years ago

    @Hypnoticchicken are there any certain things your judging them on?

  • JUDGING COMMENCED. 9.7 years ago

    @Hypnoticchicken yah that's true.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness it's nothing to worry about. It's just like a bonus. If you can land on the carrier great extra point if not oh well no loss

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness it's nothing to worry about. It's just like a bonus. If you can land on the carrier great extra point if not oh well no loss

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness I'm honestly just goong to travel full speed and the quickly cut the engine and apply airframes. If you have them, to see if the plane holds together.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness just to test the planes ability to stop quickly because most stunt planes can. Not necessarily on the grind but some air stunts require that. It won't have much effect on the judging it's just for me to be able to see the planes potential as a successful stunt planes.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @karlosdarkness I know it's just some challenge that I decided to do

  • JUDGING COMMENCED. 9.7 years ago

    @Hypnoticchicken do you think you have enough contestants now. I would say so.

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @blueangelproduction @IceDragon416 @karlosdarkness @Viper28 @ LordofLego I think this is all my contestants so I might start judging soon. If you would like to make any last minute adjustments please comment back and do so. I will start off by trying each plane in a series of tests , being agility, speed, and capability. I will then see how well they fair when landing on the USS mini or the other 1. Stay posted for results possibly on Saturday, probably before. If any new contestants this will be postponed for a later date. -TKH21

  • Transpot Inc. Airbus A320 9.7 years ago

    @TheSoundofLight hey I made a fictional variation but it has become a successor of this entry if that is ok. They both have high points and low points. I hope you like my efforts. Also I think tonight I will start work on a Star Wars x wing so stay tuned for my rough draft of these coming up sometime soon.

  • Transpot Inc. Airbus A320 9.7 years ago

    @TheSoundofLight pardon, so should I try to make it more ficticious, that will take more time. It also never even said it had to be ficticious on the desc

  • Transpot Inc. Airbus A320 9.7 years ago

    @TheSoundofLight I didn't know it was supposed to be ficticious. I was just testing my ability at making a cargo class aero plane. If you want I can make it look more ficticious. AKA inverting the wings and adding details. Changing the paint scheme and other things.

  • F-18 (Blue Angels variation) 9.7 years ago

    @Tuffnut check out my actual upload of this plane, go to my user and look at my planes.

  • Cjredwards C-17 HARDY STOL mods 1/2 9.7 years ago

    Nice change, flys better now

  • Cjredwards C-17 HARDY STOL mods 1/2 9.7 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 ok yah il give it 5 stars then.

  • Sleak Private Jet 9.7 years ago


  • Sleak Private Jet 9.7 years ago

    @Tuffnut can i upload a second jet?

  • Simple Jet Challenge 9.7 years ago

    I'm in

  • Simple Jet Challenge 9.7 years ago

    Can I upload more than 1 jet?

  • Blue angels 9.7 years ago

    @LordofLego I will try to fix him.

  • Blue angels 9.7 years ago

    Hey I was going to have the bigger air intakes instead of the 4 little ones but my game isn't accepting them and I can place them on my plane. Do you know how I can fix this because it's really annoying.

  • Military 9.7 years ago

    BOO HOO No credit to original owner All you did was a repaint

  • TKH's Stunt plane challenge (ended) 9.7 years ago

    @Viper28 do you think you can copy this to my challenge for easier grading?