75 TheLastGamersTLG Comments

  • S666 ids. Pandoras Box 3.5 years ago

    It fits really well on drone Gun pods. Little tip for better Doors, use Boolean input types for this kind of Pods and Bays (Either fully deployed or fully closed, never in between) as it is more of a realistic touch. You can do so by changing the "input" in Overload with Activation Groups or even flight data (i.e. TargetDistance < 1500, this code will make the part trigger when less than 1500 meters from the target)

    Hope I've been helpful for future builds. Peace V.

  • Cargo Max xx90-7 v1.5 6.5 years ago

    Flies good.

  • WWII desert 6.6 years ago

    I think everyone can just take a preset plane and slap it in the Community with the engine at higher speed. Whatever. How about landing gear mate? It makes the plane less aerodynamic lowering the speed..

  • Tejas Mk2 6.6 years ago

    It looks a Mirage 2000, Just.. check both Tejas and Mirage... they are almost the same...

  • F-14 Tomcat 6.6 years ago

    @Nickoboy11 Fixed it. Thanks =D