663 ThePlaneMechanic Comments

  • SimpleVirus 10.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Hello Mr.Garrison, you seem like a freindly person so I have some things to talk about with you. First off, I have some ideas for improvements to your website, and the app itself. I've had a user by the name of "classyavocado" pestering me for a while now, constantly giving my planes unfair ratings and such, a few got removed after I reported them, but he refuses to leave, so I think the addition of a blocking feature would be good, or, since you're a Dev you could just come over to one of my planes that he rated (literally any of them that have more than 1 rating and less than 4 stars, that's him) and tell him firmly to just go away, which would certainly be an honour to me. Next thing, I would like it a lot if in the next update, you could ever so slightly toughen up any of the wings which you can put control surfaces on, as I have a few prototype planes that, even though I've reinforced them as much as I could while making sure they still worked properly, still fall apart when subjected to the forces of air currents when pulling up after long dives at extremely high speed. My next request for the next update would be to make the fuel tank blocks looks less... Blocky, I would really like it if you could make them look the same as regular or floating blocks, as it would improve the range of basically everyone's planes while not completely ruining their looks as the regular fuel tanks do. Yes, I know you can put fuel in your wings, but it completely botches their structural integrity and makes them fall off constantly. Anyway, I hope you went through the effort to read all of this, and took some of my ideas into consideration.

  • Flapping wings 7.7 years ago

    I can't get this thing to take off or even sustain flight. Any tips?

  • taco's triumph 7.7 years ago

    Here we have yet another case of Simple Planes users being too busy losing their minds over pixel art and replicas to appreciate some of the excellent engineering that can be found. Beautiful work, this is an excellent plane. Needs some paint though.

  • mtao_ar122 7.7 years ago

    @Mtao I'm sure you'll be making masterpieces in no time.

  • mtao_ar122 7.7 years ago

    This one is really quite good. If you can get it to be a bit more agile and clean up the styling a bit, this could be a really great plane. Again, good work.

  • mtao_ar66 7.7 years ago

    Not what I would call the absolute most agile plane I've ever flown, but good work nonetheless.

  • YHI Training aircraft v.3 (Fast take-off) 8.4 years ago

    It's aight.

  • The Reusable Missile Silo Challenge 9.8 years ago

    @Hypixel Yes. I've been working on this one plane forever, it looks insane but it's not easy getting it to fly as well as people expect from me, I'll release it ASAP.

  • F-300 Ultrafighter 9.8 years ago

    @Hypixel On it.

  • The Reusable Missile Silo Challenge 9.8 years ago

    @Hypixel Well, I'd prefer if you only did it to ones you actually like, but yeah, that'd be great. I'll improve a couple of your designs as pay back, you might learn a couple things.

  • [ Bubbles ] 9.8 years ago

    Not even slightly worth anyone's time.

  • F-300 Ultrafighter 9.8 years ago

    @Hypixel Regardless, I'm happy you like it.

  • XPE6-GT 9.8 years ago

    @ThePlaneMechanic Wait... Sorry it's PVT7 not RVT7, I'm a bit crap with names.

  • XPE6-GT 9.8 years ago

    @hypnotoad I most certainly will. If you like this, you might want to check out the RVT7 as well. It's subsonic, but really all that means is that I didn't have to make the same compromises that I did with something capable of 1000 Miles per hour such as this. But yeah, I am quite fond of this style of fighter jet as well.

  • F-300 Ultrafighter 9.8 years ago

    @Hypixel Pretty crazy, innit? Unfortunately, due to the giant wings it does sometimes fall apart, but it's a decent concept plane, just to show what you can do with ridiculously oversized wings.

  • The Reusable Missile Silo Challenge 9.8 years ago

    @Hypixel Don't... Hack my account or something and get me banned, but thanks for the proposition.

  • XPE6-GT 9.8 years ago

    @hypnotoad Hey! Thanks man! I spent a lot of time on this, I'm super glad you like it. Forget what I said, I'm honoured to have a gold profile give one of my planes 5 stars.

  • The Reusable Missile Silo Challenge 9.8 years ago

    @hypnotoad Honestly I'm just kind of butthurt about how my account went completely dead for no reason, I used to be on the first page of users, and now I'm on the fourth. It sucks, and I feel like none of my actually well made planes have gotten the response they deserve.

  • F-357 Striker 9.8 years ago

    @CorvetteCole Hahahahaha... Dude, this plane is garbage compared to any of my new work. I had literally no idea what I was doing when I made this, it just happened to fly well.

  • The Reusable Missile Silo Challenge 9.8 years ago

    @hypnotoad Well... I can't say I expected you here.

  • X-02 MK2 9.9 years ago

    @Ctracerx2 Oh my god.... IT WASNT EVEN YOUR PLANE? Jesus Christ I need to pay more attention to stuff like that. Anyway... Jesus... You're welcome viper.

  • X-02 Fixed 9.9 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder As are a lot of things, unfortunately.

  • Metroid! 9.9 years ago

    @Zing2000 Hypnotoad hasn't proven JS, none of the popular users have. The only reason they make content one of their planes just happened to get super popular, and as a result they gained a large following, so they started making more planes. I used to upload basically every day, then I leave my account inactive for a couple weeks and when I start uploading again I don't get a single rating, still haven't. If anything my content has gotten better, I put just as much work into my new planes as my old ones, only difference is now I know what I'm doing with some of my older planes I was literally just guessing that they would work, and that was when I was popular, and now I'm a nobody on here. It has nothing to do with your attitude, I'm nice to people who deserve it, and I voice my opinion when I don't like something. Have you looked in "New Planes" recently? No, you haven't, nobody does, that's why so many innovative designs have been replaced with crap like this, why all of my new planes have been neglected, because now all the super popular gold users run the show, why they regularly make content, a good chunk of it isn't even good, I can't tell you how many replicas I've downloaded with high hopes, and then when I flew them they could barely stay in the air. About a month or so back I was amazed by all of the wonderful, crazy designs people were making, now, there's nothing, maybe the odd concept such as the plane launcher is worth your time, but as of now SimplePlanes is kind of in a depression. Back then it was like the roaring 20's, now it's like the 30's.

  • X-02 Fixed 9.9 years ago

    @WWIIPlaneBuilder I was not aware it was fictional, no. That doesn't make much sense though, when I made my P-996 LAZER from Grand Theft Auto V, I made slight design changes to make it actually fly nicely, my initial design looked exactly like the LAZER but flew like dog sh*t, so I changed it, fixed it, same story with my Vestra as well, although being honest, even my altered version of that doesn't fly very well either. But still, I don't see what was so wrong with my variation that it deserved 3 stars, it doesn't look exactly like the original but it flies nicely, my LAZER looked almost nothing like the original, but it got 2 five star ratings. How much sense does that make?

  • X-02 Fixed 9.9 years ago

    @Viper28 Irony. *ding*. Let me explain to you why that design could never work. First of all, the ass is way too heavy, almost all the weight is back there, and what was there to support that weight? Nothing whatsoever. This replica could never work in simple planes because on the real functioning plane. All of the weight from the engines wouldn't have been at the very back, all of it would be closer to the front, therefore that plane wouldn't be ass heavy, and rear ailerons only would've messed up the balance, so the designers put stablisers back there in place, and I'm sure it worked beautifully. They also put on a pair of front aelerons to improve balance, and increase pitching speed, which was smart, but again, they'd only aid this ass heavy plane in going over backwards more quickly. Even though my design is an improvement on the original, if it absolutely has to look exactly like the plane it's based on, I'd suggest removing the medium jet engines and replacing them with small jets, and putting a pair of VTOL engines upfront to weight down the front end of the plane, try to squeeze whatever you can in the front end for ballast, but never, ever use fuel as ballast, or else your plane will fly like sh*t when you run out and you will crash. I'd do it, but I have no clue how you were able to intersect all of your body panels, therefore when I finished and tried to put everything back in place, I wouldn't be able to. That's my recommendation, it'll more than likely work.

  • The Reusable Missile Silo Challenge 9.9 years ago

    @Hypixel Well I guess that's not happening. I wouldn't do a single thing for Hypnotoad if I were you, all of the multi thousand point users are honestly a bunch of self centred... Well you get the idea.

  • X-02 Fixed 9.9 years ago

    @Viper28 Oh no! The horror! I made your crappy plane fly and generally improved it! Yeah, you're welcome buddy. I'm so glad I took the time to do this.

  • XPE6-GT 9.9 years ago

    What a strange, strange community this is. I love how a chocolate bar got better ratings than my highest rated plane, it's honestly both sad and hysterical.

  • X-02 need help 9.9 years ago

    Well, I fixed it, and changed my username. Just wondering, is this based on the design I gave you last night?

  • X-02 need help 9.9 years ago

    You better f**king follow me when I fix this.

  • Metroid! 9.9 years ago

    @bjac0 Stuff like this is still stupid, and nothing can tell me otherwise, at no point will I ever support, or even allow it. Just wait, in a few more months, all simple planes is going to be is crappy replicas that don't even fly, crap like this that doesn't even move, and challenges, and I will not be a part of it.

  • Metroid! 9.9 years ago

    @Zing2000 Yeah... That's not even remoletly how it works. This is a broken system.

  • Metroid! 9.9 years ago

    @Zing2000 Yes, but those are well done, again, this isn't even that good, the guy left a spare block in the background for gods sake, this... Thing is ridiculously overrated. Again, stuff like this is why people like me don't have thousands of points, I used to be in the top 20 players before stuff like this started coming out. Seriously, for the first month or so I was on the first page, I was number 19 or something like that. I still make good content, but guess what? My last 4 planes don't have a single rating, and again, it's because of stuff like this. It's insane, and it's driving this community straight down the toilet.

  • Metroid! 9.9 years ago

    @bjac0 Regardless, note the name of the website, this simply isn't the place for pixel art. Does this fly? No. Does it even remotely resemble a plane? No. Stuff like this just gets in the way of other content, and stops people from getting popular. Same with all the challenges too, half of them don't have a single submission.

  • Metroid! 9.9 years ago

    @Zing2000 Please. This probably took all of 10 minutes to make.

  • Metroid! 9.9 years ago

    There are places where pixel art belongs. This is not one of them.

  • Do not rate :heli challenge 9.9 years ago


  • Touch-N-Go GT 9.9 years ago

    Metal under tension begging you to...

  • terradonp 9.9 years ago

    I am a tad butthurt that I didn't think of this first, because I really, really like it.

  • yv21 9.9 years ago

    Pretty sure the 5 star rating is from a fake account, cause this is not a good plane. The wings are too close together, and as a result it's super unstable. Better luck next time.

  • The Jumbo Fighter 9.9 years ago

    It's not that maneuverable, the pitching could be better, and it could be a lot more stable as well.

  • J 20 9.9 years ago

    Damn dude this is... Something else. You clearly know what you're doing.

  • Golden Thunder 10.0 years ago

    Damn dude... Talk about touchy. If it were me, I'd tone down the pitching a bit cause it's a bit too crazy for my taste, but it is a great wing design. Nice work.

  • there, perfect replica 10.0 years ago

    This is by miles the most beautiful, majestic thing I have ever laid eyes on. You truly are a genius. Bravo my friend, and may the winds of destiny bring you all the joys you could possibly conceive.

  • RVT5-FG 10.0 years ago

    Thanks for all the great feedback guys, I was really hoping you'd like this one.

  • FB-2 Skipper 10.0 years ago

    Not a bad attempt at an amphibious plane.

  • C73-M1 10.0 years ago

    I wouldn't listen to this other guy, all he seems to care about is landing gear and nothing else. I, however, can appreciate something like this. Great work.

  • Derp wing 6634 10.0 years ago

    Terrible. Even on High physics settings the front wings shear off, it can't pitch, it's too heavy, it looks terrible, and it most certainly isn't fun. I can totally re-do it for you if you want, you could learn a few things.

  • super plane 10.0 years ago

    Well... The wing design is kind of clever... I guess, but the negatives far outweigh the positives. It's far too heavy (swap out the large get engines for medium jet engines and reduce the amount of fuel in the wings), it's horendous areodynamics make it both horribly inefficient, and one of the ugliest things I've ever seen, and what's up with all the sets of landing gear?

  • GP7-M1 10.0 years ago

    @TheLatentImage Cool, I'm glad you like it.