Not sure how you want it fixed, but I found that when I made the underside super heavy it worked. Here are some examples:
I helped a friend fix the same problem by adding a keel. Look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about.
This is one I built on which I added a second layer to the hull which I made heavy. Same effect, but I think it looks better. I don't know if this will help, but I hope it does.
thank you everyone.
@CrazyCodeC thanks.
@ACMECo1940 Ok thanks.
@ACMECo1940 could you give me a specific one, please?
@Sunnyskies @Stellarcrazyargonaut Still... that is a bit heavy for "lightly armed"
dude... mind= blown.
Make it so (awesome!), number one!
ah. I kept trying to take off. Now I know why I couldn't. thanks.
is it supposed to fly?
Sorry forgot to thank wcjm for fuel tank.
Oh. I used fuselage blocks. Not sure if I've answered your question.
@drdoom222 Please explain.
@Clawsome can't help. I don't know what to do in that case. Try making the top more buoyant?
@KnightOfAraluen Not sure. could not fix on mine.:(
Not sure how you want it fixed, but I found that when I made the underside super heavy it worked. Here are some examples:
I helped a friend fix the same problem by adding a keel. Look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about.
This is one I built on which I added a second layer to the hull which I made heavy. Same effect, but I think it looks better. I don't know if this will help, but I hope it does.
@ammu That sounds pretty shifty, if you ask me. Are you asking because I always put "-u!" on the names of my vehicles?
thank you! this helps me very much!
This is AWESOME! How did you launch all the missiles at once?
I have a submission:
Also, your spelling is awful! And why would we want to be uprooted?
This is my submission:
paste in search bar
Powerful Jet
Its a powerful jet
everything typed backwards for some strange reason...
I made a better version of this that won't flip!
Thanks for letting me tinker!