300 TheSimplest Comments

  • XCub™ 5.6 years ago

    Amazing job! I love it! Did you see they also came out with a new NX Cub? It has a conventional landing gear setup like a Cessna 172 but with huge suspension and tires, but it’s the same plane. You could try and make that off of this next. Shouldn’t take long at all.

  • [Cinematic] XCub Teaser 5.6 years ago

    Oh, I’m a idiot, @Chancey21

  • Kitfox 5 Series STi #FreedomFox 5.6 years ago

    I’ve been waiting for the freedom fox thank god! Right after OSH too!

  • [Cinematic] XCub Teaser 5.6 years ago

    When does it come out?

  • R-1750 SJ (Pixel Camo) 6.4 years ago

    @Coolfungame please, I’m not assuming her gender at all.

  • Airbus Beluga XL 6.6 years ago

    What @BaconEggs

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    Lol, the one where it’s in Drake’s song and it changes his faces!! @503rdAirborneSoldier

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    Yes @ForeverPie

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    Lol but in America. His face looks like it though @DemonSniper8

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    Haha! @RailfanEthan

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @503rdAirborneSoldier IM NOT POLITICAL AT ALL. I was just making it a name to name as of some of the presidents in a row. If someone made A U.S.S Barrack Obama. It’s the same thing. I had no intention for this to be political. Just thought of a name.

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @503rdAirborneSoldier btw cook is already a ship :/

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @Irobert55 haha! Thanks!!!!!!!!!

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @503rdAirborneSoldier same thing if we named it anyone else who was president. He’s not causing that much.

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @503rdAirborneSoldier because he is the president right now and it looks like his face. I mean is there that much of a problem. How bout this. You come up with a good name and I will change it. It just has to have U.S.S and something appropriate to be a aircraft carrier.

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @DemonSniper8 it’s not political, it’s just a name I made up for fun! Why would you think that it’s political. I mean what about the U.S.S George W. Busch. He has his political thoughts but nobody has gotton onto the name for being political.

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @503rdAirborneSoldier no it’s not it’s just a name I made up because it looks like his face. Please it seems more of a meme than a political thing.

  • U.S.S John Fitch Heavy Carrier 7.4 years ago

    @503rdAirborneSoldier because I was coming up with a random name and it kindve looks like his face!

  • U.S.S John Fitch 7.4 years ago

    I’m building a one island one with a angled runway. Stay tuned@Irobert55

  • U.S.S John Fitch 7.4 years ago

    Lol. @Jengstrom

  • U.S.S John Fitch 7.4 years ago

    Whatever you would like to say. A lot of people have 2 islands. For example the hms queen Mary! @Irobert55

  • U.S.S John Fitch 7.4 years ago

    Thank you!!!! @Thomasj041 flames and fury!

  • Peregrine 1 7.4 years ago

    @Prinzessin Yea I named it after the fastest bird. :/

  • F1 Car 7.6 years ago

    @DemonSniper8 yea that's actually like what actuall f1 does!!!

  • F1 Car 7.6 years ago

    Thanks! @Smpltube

  • F1 Car 7.6 years ago

    @DemonSniper8 the wings and he front and rear pull up so air pushes the car down more.

  • Semedian Antonov 552 7.6 years ago

    Make a speed bomber!