6,740 Theread36 Comments

  • Jagaur MBT 6.3 years ago

    Wow! I never imagined this tank would get this many upvotes. Thank you everyone!

  • SJ-9 Terrier 6.9 years ago

    @FastDan thank you

  • Solence S-9 Python 5.7 years ago

    I just realized I named this the same as my last plane facepalm

  • SJ-17 Python 6.0 years ago

    Can you give me a link to this plane? This is my plane that I made, I did not steal it @Datboi1234

  • KF-60 PHOENIX 6.1 years ago

    This is a pretty cool plane but I feel like it could be a lot more stable in the air and just have better flight characteristics overall. One way this can be achieved is by using modded wings that make the aircraft more inherently stable and not having as much pitch on your stabilators

  • North Arganton S-6 Endeavour 6.2 years ago

    @Blue0Bull you see I already make custom landing gear for the front ones but I could try it for the back landing gear. I’ve also never tried custom control surfaces so that could be interesting and also thanks for the upvote

  • S-3 Lightning 6.6 years ago

    Thanks man! @ZHUAREVONI

  • SFV-3 Roller 6.6 years ago

    @Baldeagle086 thanks for the spotlight man

  • Logiz Tech T-2M Cheetah 6.6 years ago

    @Tully2001 to be fair he did ask Luciferofpoland what he thought about the tank and initially said it might get him in trouble then logizaircrafts told him to say it anyway even though he warned him and he granted his request

  • Logiz Tech T-2M Cheetah 6.6 years ago

    @logizAircrafts https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/zpftM1/S110-Main-Battle-Tank this is what a real tank looks like bud

  • SH-4 Super Hawk 6.8 years ago

    I wish nibbas would upvote more

  • SAL-104 6.9 years ago


  • F-4 Phantom 7.0 years ago

    Don’t mind the Red, Black, and white insignia that is just the symbol I put on all of my planes

  • SMA-4 Revere 7.0 years ago

    Mega nice

  • SFS-2 Incinerator 7.1 years ago

    Thank you, well if you want a description I was inspired by a Yak-9T and wanted to make my own ground attack fighter based off it

  • Yak-3 7.1 years ago

    Yup it messed up the control surfaces because I tested it an flew it before I uploaded the plane just put roll into the back wings

  • Yak-3 7.1 years ago

    Ummm yes it does it has roll in the back wings...the game must have messed up the control surfaces then

  • Yak-3 7.1 years ago

    Just pull up the entire time

  • Custom British Aircraft 7.2 years ago

    Uhhh how did you know XD