Maybe there should be a way to talk in separate chat channels or something.
For example:
say chat1 " Hi team red."
say chat2 " Hi team blue."
createchat chat3
The say command could appear in all chats.
@BrianAircraftsNew I pressed cancel in the middle of uploading my previous plane. It went through anyway. This one has the airbrakes I forgot, and some decals.
I deployed a parachute on my ejection seat, and the parachute remained horizontal, not parallel to the falling direction. there was no wind affecting the parachute.
Can I get my mental support now?
I could make you one if you really want. @FNaFLover17
What software do you use? @baallzebub
I feel bad when people make things that become obsolete.
Can you make all the standard missiles with two attachment points?
Is it possible to put two connection points on a missile?
How do you XML mod without the overload mod?
Or just an AI control system for various parts of your plane or other planes.
@BrianAircraftsNew I figured.
Is there a version of this without the goofy pyramids and added buildings? And is this map to scale?
@roboflop109 I think you might just need to use the default IP address when playing over LAN.
@helilover03 My follower to upvote ratio seems lower than most people though.
I've never seen such a colorful lawnmower.
Here's a better version of the plane.
@roboflop109 You press ` under the escape key when you're flying your plane. You then type something like: connect
10/10 fries 11/10 French.
It might have to do with bullet weight or bullet caliber. @KSPFSXandSP
I set the propeller number to 0.5, but if you set it to 1, your game won't crash, and it will look the same.
I'd also like to have different colored nametags.
Maybe there should be a way to talk in separate chat channels or something.
For example:
say chat1 " Hi team red."
say chat2 " Hi team blue."
createchat chat3
The say command could appear in all chats.
@Agung44 And multiplayer safe.
@BrianAircraftsNew I almost always discover the defects in the plane after they've been on the website.
@BrianAircraftsNew Would you rather have the previous version of this plane where the gauges were broken?
This worked surprisingly well compared with other stuff I've seen.
Landing gear without the VTOL.
You should change the title to ICBM Light Show.
Did this get you an achievement?
Parachutes?! This is America. We don't need safety precautions.
What are steam groups?
I think I've seen you on multiplayer. I gave you a follow.
I got the "going the distance" achievement with this plane.
I was captured on video in my KC-135.
I like VTOL aircraft.
We need some sort of medieval multiplayer war.
@BrianAircraftsNew I pressed cancel in the middle of uploading my previous plane. It went through anyway. This one has the airbrakes I forgot, and some decals.
The raising of the landing gear should be bound to the gear button.
Ah yes, my logo.
@AndrewGarrison can keyboard support be added?
I have an HP notebook computer. It was reasonably priced for 8GB RAM, i3 6th gen, and 1TB hard drive.
Sometimes you need to sacrifice fuel for speed, weight, or maneuverability. @Tully2001
How about sunrise land?
I deployed a parachute on my ejection seat, and the parachute remained horizontal, not parallel to the falling direction. there was no wind affecting the parachute.
I don't think the weapons and fuel tanks should be angled to the sides with the wing sweep.
When I try to XML mod a gyroscope's speed or stability past the max, it tends to vibrate a lot.
Paint is mesmerizing.
It's so weird though.
I like planes, not baseball.
It's not about how powerful the gun is. Bullets just phase through the turrets. @Fallenfreedomfighters
Yes. I tried XML guns. @Fallenfreedomfighters