half of the time when i even make aircrafts they have no detail so i shouldnt critisize other peoples creations if i spelled stuff wrong it is because i am tired
hey the one problem i can find so far well actually 2 but one is just a preferance. The main prblem is at a high speed if you use pitch you turn, my preferance is that it has 2 engines and that they are exposed, this is just asuggestion but it would look much better with one engine thats all
no I got it to stay stable but the engine on top helps it slowly turn down while gaining speed I also am working on a new one so far it can stay down for more than a minute went to around -19000
I like the 60's Minty Green so i took the audi and made it that color i also made it a little quicker and 6 with vtol is to get you un stuck vtol back to middle then deactivate 6 for driving A and D for turning 7 cameras the engine now has a 2 mini batteries and 2 small gas tanks max speed around 51 vtol slider all the way up for the back engine which gives a little speed boost also comment telling me if i should add a turret and what other cars i should modify
i cant fly it right now but i am upvoting it anyway just for its looks
ill try it when i can
for me roll gets jammed i dont know why
half of the time when i even make aircrafts they have no detail so i shouldnt critisize other peoples creations if i spelled stuff wrong it is because i am tired
oh ok
hey the one problem i can find so far well actually 2 but one is just a preferance. The main prblem is at a high speed if you use pitch you turn, my preferance is that it has 2 engines and that they are exposed, this is just asuggestion but it would look much better with one engine thats all
I tried to make a flying wing aircraft and i kinda succeded. This was about my 17th try at it.
no I got it to stay stable but the engine on top helps it slowly turn down while gaining speed I also am working on a new one so far it can stay down for more than a minute went to around -19000
that might kill it i forgot to say that the wheels it hade i never tested the speed limit for them
yes i will say this neither me or Tymberwolfman originally made this car and from my perspective you only add one piece to the wolf
thx for liking my creation
i love it i think i have the older one downloaded aswell. i need to check that
thx guys
cool i love cars like this but there are custom maps???
wow that was quick
alot of detail
i knowbut it could still fly i am using a flying one right now
i like the design and everything but it cant fly
i did not originally design this vehical i just modified it and thanks for the upvotes
I like the 60's Minty Green so i took the audi and made it that color i also made it a little quicker and 6 with vtol is to get you un stuck vtol back to middle then deactivate 6 for driving A and D for turning 7 cameras the engine now has a 2 mini batteries and 2 small gas tanks max speed around 51 vtol slider all the way up for the back engine which gives a little speed boost also comment telling me if i should add a turret and what other cars i should modify
in flight for me though the red glitchs out
interesting and educational cool
why did he say dont download exactly
ill try and Murphy Airport???
sorry that the wheels aren't very strong
cool i just started posting aswell only some altered cars though and dude you could make this thing glide since it already kinda does
and i upvoted you
it can kinda glide if you vtol up then down
im creating a offroad/onroad racing edition of this but i posted too many today
great mountain climber:P
i meant tell me the vehicals name
i wasnt able to see if the engines dont expload
i made a mad max looking one
hey any good??
is it any good
is it any good?
i will be doing some tanks but i suck at planes ;:::( and some stripped versions of other people vehicals
and i made a new one
i copyied the wheels and gun but alter them both and if you put some more of the jets on the back you can drive in water :)
first one i have ever done
i finished
@RAF1 dude can you make some more flying warships they are fun to fly