@b0ss What's wrong with you? You need to learn what's the meaning of inopportune. Leave comments like that in not only mine, but also other creations related to China means to you innocent? Stop acting like such an uneducated child.
@ChrisPy yea man you r right, NYC do has lots of conditions. And nobody was freaked, its just ein normales Wochenende. 但我认为母猪产后护理,首先要从产前做起,母猪产前四五天要逐渐减少饲喂量,其目的是减少腹部压力产前吃得少产后才能吃得多。若产前吃得多,不仅会使产程过长,还会造成产后胃积食。
@ChrisPy 谦虚地说,不,我不完全了解,甚至不到 80%,因为我只在那里生活过不到两年。虽然有不愉快,但还是给我留下了一些美好的回忆, Santa Monica, Route 66, So far I always think the Empire State Building is the most beautiful building. You see,我知道我不完全了解,所以我不会皮干得告诉你,你们的制度哪里有问题,我不会去评价你们的国家内政。这叫自知之明,而你呢?你又有多了解中国?你又以为你有多了解中国?你是否真正来过中国。去看看你们媒体口中的「暴行」是否真实?没有?那你哪儿那么多屁话?
@ChrisPy 你丫不是 wash hands of me 了么,还在这而放尼玛的屁呢?咋得说话就真跟你大宝宝一样,言行不一呗?我从没说过 "China being the world savior" 这种屁话,这跟我的观点完全背道相驰,所以你丫到到底用的啥翻译器?我帮你投诉它去呀。再者说了,你好像有什么 solid point 一样,我还很期待你嘴里能蹦出几个象牙呢,让我学习学习呢,结果就一战五渣呗。煞笔玩意儿~
@Homemade After all these stuffs is US still a destination for you? Dude that is truly an excellent choice. Respect. That makes sense if you said you hate your country. But trust me, when you one day move out to Japan, US or Russia, you will still find out that 80% citizen are stupid. Nothing will change, except you will also be discriminated for your Asian appearance. Sad huh.
@ChrisPy It seems you know the "facts" very well, so what are your channels for obtaining information? What news do you read? How can you guarantee their authenticity? And why are Toshiba, Alstom, and even Tiktok being suppressed and banned? Is it all because they stole technology? You should wake up, reading only one language in English is extremely dangerous. You only believe what you are willing to believe. Live forever in the ideal society and demonized China built for you by the media, 或者你没有能力来拓展自己,我能不借助翻译软件和你扯淡,你又能看懂我说的话吗?不要再继续当个井底之蛙了,傻波一。
@Tailasy China is not trying to imitate any country. Don't comment on something you don't actually understand, that will only makes you looked uncultivated. Besides, I'm sorry that you are going to be disappointed. The Communist Party will not die and China will become stronger and stronger, but China will not invade you, but replace your jobs with our robots, making your life worse and worse.
@SanitaterAirlines In fact, the prototype of the HongQi L5, the HongQi HQE, was released in 2009, which was a year before the Bentley Mulsanne. So you could say that Musanne looks like a HongQi L5, especially from the side view. Besides, compares to L5, I think the Bentley Mulsanne is a bit more like a Rolls Royce Phantom, from the Lines of the whole car.
@ChrisPy That dose not means "stabbed" and I never try to say that, you poor little kid, change to a smarter translator, at least not to make such low-level mistakes.
@SanitaterAirlines Which Bentley model do you think it looks like? If you say it looks like a Chinese Volga, maybe GAZ-24, I can accept that, because China did have a lot of influences from Soviet in that period. But Bentley? No, I don't think so.
@HHHYYY 欢迎改装 😂,ps ( 灯里有枪,也挺牛逼的)。
+9@ChrisPy 诶呦,急了?你用的什么垃圾翻译软件得出我要威胁你的结论?你谁啊我威胁你?我闲得没事做威胁你个小屁孩?从你具的这些例子中就可以看出你的刻板偏见,真是愚昧啊,无非来来回回就事那堆破事儿,是不是还有什么新疆,什么少数民族,什么改造营,累不累啊?你丫去过新疆吗?知道那儿的真实情况吗?耳听为虚,眼睑为实。还有,你用你的母语,我用我的母语,那里有问题?我能看懂你的母语,你看不懂我的,那只能说明你的水平很低,或许收教育程度也不怎么样。你丫挺的算是被皿煮教育透透了。半只脚都没有踏上过中国的土地就开始给中国人指点江山了?我们再有问题,那是我们的内政,干你丫鸟事儿?谁在走下披路不言而喻,你就庆幸吧,赶上了落日余晖。小赤佬。
+8@ChrisPy Stop being passionate, Huawei doesn't care what porn you watch, who you are chatting with, you are only a 路人甲 to Huawei.
+8@ChrisPy 关于这种报告,我给你给你类比一个例子。我鲨了尼玛,然后告诉别人,尼玛性骚扰我,所以我才鲨她。中国有句话叫欲加之罪,何患无辞。希望你去参透参透。这短短的八个汉字对翻译软件来说可能需要两行,才能说明白其中80%的道理,没办法,谁叫你们的语言信息熵低呢?
+7@ChrisPy 这个叫做证据??你丫搞个单方面的扯淡报告就叫证据?我还以为你消息源多牛逼呢,也不过是 wsj 之流这种三流假新闻媒体。其他消息源反正都是五眼联盟的所谓"调查"呗,都是你们美国的狗腿子呗,我都说了,多找信息源,看看其他群体,不和你们一个阵营的调查研究,你丫咋就听不懂呢?长个脑子干啥?为了显高?我本来还以为你是一个不那么 naive,没想到这不过是个德州红脖子,你说你不用谷歌翻译能看懂,好,你牛逼。(如果这段话你用了翻译,那你就司马吧)
+7@UFNNICF5TF 屏蔽之后挂着他,这玩意儿就喜欢在中国相关的条目下秀智商,不是一次两次了。
+7@ChrisPy 呵呵要谈起 Propaganda 我想没有哪个国家能比得上你的祖国吧,意识形态那一套玩得比谁都溜。你说你喜欢自己研究,来,摆出证据。关于 Tiktok, 关于东芝,关于中兴,关于联想,关于阿尔斯通,Proof? 为什么这些企业偏偏去"侵犯"你的国家?你还看不出其中的问题吗?要玩儿起信息侵犯谁比得过你们?斯诺登是干啥吃的?估计你也就只看看英语新闻了,德州废柴一个。在懂王的大票仓里过怎么样?今日份消毒液注射了没?有这段时间多去看看脑子,别当个只会用谷歌翻译的垃圾。
+6@b0ss What's wrong with you? You need to learn what's the meaning of inopportune. Leave comments like that in not only mine, but also other creations related to China means to you innocent? Stop acting like such an uneducated child.
+6@ChrisPy yea man you r right, NYC do has lots of conditions. And nobody was freaked, its just ein normales Wochenende. 但我认为母猪产后护理,首先要从产前做起,母猪产前四五天要逐渐减少饲喂量,其目的是减少腹部压力产前吃得少产后才能吃得多。若产前吃得多,不仅会使产程过长,还会造成产后胃积食。
+5@ChrisPy 谦虚地说,不,我不完全了解,甚至不到 80%,因为我只在那里生活过不到两年。虽然有不愉快,但还是给我留下了一些美好的回忆, Santa Monica, Route 66, So far I always think the Empire State Building is the most beautiful building. You see,我知道我不完全了解,所以我不会皮干得告诉你,你们的制度哪里有问题,我不会去评价你们的国家内政。这叫自知之明,而你呢?你又有多了解中国?你又以为你有多了解中国?你是否真正来过中国。去看看你们媒体口中的「暴行」是否真实?没有?那你哪儿那么多屁话?
+5@ChrisPy 你丫不是 wash hands of me 了么,还在这而放尼玛的屁呢?咋得说话就真跟你大宝宝一样,言行不一呗?我从没说过 "China being the world savior" 这种屁话,这跟我的观点完全背道相驰,所以你丫到到底用的啥翻译器?我帮你投诉它去呀。再者说了,你好像有什么 solid point 一样,我还很期待你嘴里能蹦出几个象牙呢,让我学习学习呢,结果就一战五渣呗。煞笔玩意儿~
+5@ChrisPy 呵,我母语中文,英文C1, 德语C1,我并不生活在中国大陆,我接触到的信息来源比你可靠的多。1984这本书很好,在我高中时我就看过,如果你觉得通过这本书就能映射出什么的话那可太幼稚了。并且你还没有给我你的证据?摆出证据来啊?真可笑,还尼玛独立媒体,笑死我了,地摊小报看多了?我会把你们 CNN, Fox, BBC之流报道时常浏览,看看他们是怎么忽悠你的,你有能看懂CCTV吗?不能?还是那句话,别当个用谷歌翻译的垃圾。
+5@Homemade After all these stuffs is US still a destination for you? Dude that is truly an excellent choice. Respect. That makes sense if you said you hate your country. But trust me, when you one day move out to Japan, US or Russia, you will still find out that 80% citizen are stupid. Nothing will change, except you will also be discriminated for your Asian appearance. Sad huh.
+4@LucasNicky 哥们儿说的对,今儿个也就是周末有点闲情逸致和民逗做做游戏,确实没啥必要。
+4@ChrisPy It seems you know the "facts" very well, so what are your channels for obtaining information? What news do you read? How can you guarantee their authenticity? And why are Toshiba, Alstom, and even Tiktok being suppressed and banned? Is it all because they stole technology? You should wake up, reading only one language in English is extremely dangerous. You only believe what you are willing to believe. Live forever in the ideal society and demonized China built for you by the media, 或者你没有能力来拓展自己,我能不借助翻译软件和你扯淡,你又能看懂我说的话吗?不要再继续当个井底之蛙了,傻波一。
+4@Tailasy China is not trying to imitate any country. Don't comment on something you don't actually understand, that will only makes you looked uncultivated. Besides, I'm sorry that you are going to be disappointed. The Communist Party will not die and China will become stronger and stronger, but China will not invade you, but replace your jobs with our robots, making your life worse and worse.
+4@SanitaterAirlines In fact, the prototype of the HongQi L5, the HongQi HQE, was released in 2009, which was a year before the Bentley Mulsanne. So you could say that Musanne looks like a HongQi L5, especially from the side view. Besides, compares to L5, I think the Bentley Mulsanne is a bit more like a Rolls Royce Phantom, from the Lines of the whole car.
+4@fulin 红旗
+4@ChrisPy That dose not means "stabbed" and I never try to say that, you poor little kid, change to a smarter translator, at least not to make such low-level mistakes.
+3@ReignSUPREME 面对民逗咱们从来不怂
+3@Tailasy Proof?
+3@sheepsblood 你真的知道我在说什么吗?
+3@b0ss Such a boring behavior can make you feel interesting, how pathetic.
+3@b0ss You think you are funny?
+3@Sinacraft Whatever you call it.
+3@Homemade Fun fact: As of June 30, the number of surviving diagnoses in China is 514 and Indonesia is 28487. Who should be saved?
+3@SmartBear 主要也是这厮也执着。
+2@Huanyujun 试试把物理调至最高吧,或者尽量软着陆... 我这边倒很少出现爆胎情况😂。
+2@JensFischer 谢了兄弟!
+2@Dmitryukov Thank you!
+2@theeunknown Yes, the real HK 1997 belongs to a Lamborghini Gallardo, and the license is far expensive than the Lambo.
+2@SanitaterAirlines Which Bentley model do you think it looks like? If you say it looks like a Chinese Volga, maybe GAZ-24, I can accept that, because China did have a lot of influences from Soviet in that period. But Bentley? No, I don't think so.
+2@MDDJB 哈哈多谢!
+2@Shekelsberg "蒙古将再次入侵中国,我们将摧毁中国获得的一切,为更大的蒙古未来"
+1Well done my friends!
@DragonAerotech Thanks :) hope you enjoy it.
+1@OrangeConnor I enjoy watching it's been shot, no strategy.
+1@TheMeatball It's a Bomber not a fighter, so.
+1@LucasNicky 真正的 Airplane mode!
+1@ItsZander Haha thanks:), you can modify it as much as you like.
+1@shipster Sure it is, thats also why I love it so much ;)
+1@CreeperOfTheFortress I hope so.
+1@CreeperOfTheFortress I believe is Covid-19.
+1@OC3LOT1142 Thanks!
+1@BubbleLukasie 谢谢!
+1@TheSavageManZ Yes best 748 on this site.
+1@AircroftDesigin Thanks for the upvote!