0 ToboTheHobo77 Comments

  • North American P-51D Mustang 9.1 years ago

    @Cjredwards hey ur spitfire still looked more like a p51 than a spitfire.

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mark XII (griffon powered) 9.1 years ago

    I would say nice spitfire but that would be a lie. it's clearly a p51 mustang. but hey, nice p51 mustang tho.

  • G9 Eclipse 9.1 years ago

    (that was sarcasm, in case u didn't realise.)

  • G9 Eclipse 9.1 years ago

    much g9 eclipse. so wow.

  • G9 Eclipse v.2 9.1 years ago

    nice work! could u pls make more jc2 planes, maybe the leopard or cargo plane?

  • bf 109 G-2/Trop 9.1 years ago


  • 1- Reliant Robin (It flies...kinda) 9.1 years ago

    this brings back beam ng memories

  • My first upload, the Reliant Robin 9.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii it's not exactly his first creation, its his first upload. big difference.

  • SSV NORMANDY SR1 9.1 years ago

    no, really, he did put all his love into this. his wife dumped cuz he wudn't get off the computer

  • SAAB JAS-39 Gripen Cinnamon Tiger 9.1 years ago

    wow it has 8 downloads yet 13 upvotes wtf guys

  • SAAB JAS-39 Gripen Cinnamon Tiger 9.1 years ago

    wow amazing job

  • albatross mk 1 9.2 years ago

    ok guys im going camping for a week so i wont be able to answer any comments, but still leave them i will answer them when i get back. and please leave suggestions on what i should make

  • INSANITY ROPE 1.0 9.2 years ago

    ok guys im going camping for a week so i wont be able to answer any comments, but still leave them i will answer them when i get back. and please leave suggestions on what i should make

  • stingray mk 1 9.2 years ago

    ok guys im going camping for a week so i wont be able to answer any comments, but still leave them i will answer them when i get back. and please leave suggestions on what i should make

  • dune buggy 9.2 years ago

    ok guys im going camping for a week so i wont be able to answer any comments, but still leave them i will answer them when i get back. and please leave suggestions on what i should make!

  • hawker hurricane 9.2 years ago

    ok guys im going camping for a week so i wont be able to answer any comments, but still leave them i will answer them when i get back. and please leave suggestions on what i should make!

  • Millennium Falcon 9.2 years ago

    @General360 oh ok.

  • Avro Lancaster B Mk.III 9.2 years ago

    FINALLY! SOMEONES MADE A DECENT LANCASTER! YAAAAAAY!!!!!! trust me u hav no idea how long ive waited for this.

  • Millennium Falcon 9.2 years ago

    how, authros, just how. how do you complete such detailed creations iin so little time? HOW?!?!?!?!

  • hawker hurricane 9.2 years ago

    @Skyplane145 thanks but do make sure you go over to agDynamics and check out their amazing planes cause they do some pretty awsome ones.

  • Simple Mig 9.2 years ago

    wow nice job. i tried to make the exact same plane 2 weeks ago.(didn't work.) any way is there any chance that in a future update multiplayer will be added? it would be great if it was. great game tho andrew.

  • Boba Fett's Slave 1 9.2 years ago

    wow i can only imagine how long it took you to get this working correctly and do all of that detail and the same time. you've even got the devs support on this design!

  • hawker hurricane 9.2 years ago

    feel free to modify it as well.

  • dune buggy 9.2 years ago

    @xXDestroyeRXx that would be very hard. i'm not sure i'm quite at that level yet. but later on i will certainly try it.

  • dune buggy 9.2 years ago

    @xXDestroyeRXx thanks for your support, and i will be doing more creations so feel free to leave suggestions in the comments and i will try my hardest to complete them to a decent standard.

  • dune buggy 9.2 years ago

    also guys just cause i forgot the controls are vtol all the way up + w to go forwards, vtol all the way down + w to go backwards, a to go left, and d to go right. 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 do nohing so dont press them.

  • Avro Shackleton Mk.III 9.2 years ago

    @deezducks i have seen the avro manchester made well, i have now seen the avro shackleton made well, but i have not seen the avro lancaster made well, and since it was my favourite ever bomber would u plz be able to make it at some stage.

  • B-25Q "Super Mitchell" 9.2 years ago

    hey great plane maverickvii the only problem i found was it made my crappy computer lag a bit. but pls make the british avro lancaster heavy bomber cuz that wud be amazing. i wud make it myself but i suck at making planes in this game. plssssss do this!