625 TrainsGreen Comments

  • Sunset Racer mk10 4.8 years ago

    I will be making some improvements to this plane for the tournament redo. I don't know how to make it much better though. Maybe I can reduce drag a little or do something to increase agility. I could also probably do something to keep it from crashing much.

  • How to win airplane tournaments 4.8 years ago

    I found 80% neutral pitch works better

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 4.8 years ago

    Dang it. At least I pushed it to a tiebreaker

  • Sunset Racer mk10 4.8 years ago

    @MrR0botinatoR Thanks! The new version of your plane looks much faster though. Try reducing the fuel in the wings. You should only need about 20 gallons total. Good luck in the redo.

  • Sunset Racer mk10 4.8 years ago

    @Texasfam04 I started with a twin tail pusher puller prop triplane and from there I basically just screwed with stuff to make it faster. The biggest design changes were the canards, dorsal wings, and front prop.

  • Try wing sonic soup 6.0 years ago

    @jetcatglider I made bi-plane 1 v2 if that's what you're asking.

  • Bi-plane 1 v2 6.0 years ago

    If you have a plane that can consistently beat this plane in a dogfight send me a link and I will download it.

  • Try wing sonic soup 6.0 years ago

    Oh in the name. That was intentional. By the way you should try bi-plane 1 v2, it beats just about anything in a dogfight

  • Try wing sonic soup 6.0 years ago

    @jetcatglider where?

  • B-85 Boombox 6.6 years ago

    Feel free to let me know what you think of it and or what I should improve.

  • B-85 Boombox 6.6 years ago

    It started blowing up for me. T to fix the problem mirror it from the right then invert all of the bottom left hinge rotators I will probably release a fixed version soon

  • B-85 Boombox 6.6 years ago

    It works for me but you could try opening it slowly. Tell me if that works so I can help fix it.

  • B-85 Boombox 6.6 years ago
