30 Trip808 Comments

  • Jim's New Cub 7.6 years ago

    Awesome build. I flew it and put the trim all the way up and the vtol just a touch below the middle and it flew pretty level although the nose sliced through the horizon a bit in a hard turn.

  • V-22 osprey "help" 7.7 years ago

    I'll upload a plane that I downloaded from someone else and tweaked some things. I don't remember who it was from to give them credit so I'm not sure It will last long. I believe I just googled v22 osprey and found one to work with that I liked mauripeke25 plopter shall be its name

  • V-22 osprey "help" 7.7 years ago

    There are certain things about the osprey that you will not be able to mimic in this game. Such as the width in helicopter mode compared to airplane mode. In helicopter mode. Blade tip to blade tip is longer compared airplane mode. Alsowithout editing. Those baby blades are going to be horrible for that size aircraft. Also with the engines provided only pushing out 3000 hp at a 72000 lb plane compared to 6150 each side with a 30000 lb lighter aircraft. Your wings are swept forward Should be at 6 degrees. But you also need a 3.5 degree dihedral. Blah blah. Technical shit. Add a jet engine or two in each nacelle. Is you have the xml engines downloaded with different sizes of the same engine. But at the same hp. That may benefit you. It will look and feel like the blades are providing lift. But we all know who the true hero will be. And it will look pretty cool. Set them on an activation group. I suggest leaving pitch control at auto or you risk the chance or over speeding those baby hubs. I've also found. On my Ospreys that direction of rotation does matter in a hover The right side looking down in helicopter mode should spin counter clockwise. And the left clockwise

  • Ugly duckling 8.6 years ago

    Someone make this thing cool

  • F.D.E VTOL M-1 8.7 years ago

    I upped the hp on both engines to 100%. Changed the blades to 3 and scimitar type. And added 1k lbs of dead weight to the wide aft portion of the fuselage. It takes off fairly well in vtol with aft stick. But trim has to be 75% down to maintain a level flight profile.