31.1k TunderTunder Comments

  • RC-XD 4.4 years ago

    @Bobofboblandia No, problem is not in the speed of the car, but in the fact that the car bounces high only in slow motion, and without it ... See for yourself (https://youtu.be/s03v0MaiM70)

  • RC-XD 4.4 years ago

    @Planeacceleration @Planeacceleration @Bobofboblandia By the way, I have a problem: for some reason the machine in the slow bounces high, and at normal speed literally jumps by ten centimeters, can you tell me how to fix it?

  • RC-XD 4.4 years ago

    @Planeacceleration I will publish this car the other day, while I am working on its shortcomings.

  • Son of dawn in crossout 4.5 years ago

    make mandragora!!!

  • SKAZ-3017 B.A.R.S.(Cossack Patrol) 4.5 years ago

    Cossack special service patrol never existed!!!!

  • Rocket Launcher CORTES VZ 4.5 years ago

    Count this: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/xq5DwS/Neptune

  • BV-1 demonstration 4.5 years ago

    My computer with 16 gigabytes of RAM turned into a stove !!!

  • Help!!! 4.5 years ago


    I ran out of ammunition, I wanted to ram, but I felt helpless how an evil truck kidnapped me ...

  • Help!!! 4.5 years ago

    @TheMachinist @officialryanyang @PieroKH2B @TheMachinist @nadvgia
    An unsuccessful attempt to destroy the convoy ...

  • We need improvements to Funky Trees and input systems! 4.6 years ago

    @RedVine Оккей

  • Neptune (Prototype) 4.6 years ago

    Thank you, I'm already improving it, I could destroy the ice base at a distance of 13 kilometers without exposing myself to danger.

  • Excuse me, does anyone know? 4.6 years ago

    I know, but I need another activation group for example 1.

  • We need improvements to Funky Trees and input systems! 4.6 years ago

    О, так ты славянин?

  • Neptune (Prototype) 4.6 years ago

    Sorry, no sound.

  • Rocket Launh Sistem "Neptune" (Concept) 4.6 years ago

    Do you want to protest?

  • Rocket Launh Sistem "Neptune" (Concept) 4.6 years ago


  • MISFIRING SYSTEM!!! 4.6 years ago


  • Night Carrier Landing 4.6 years ago


  • bad apple 4.6 years ago


  • ... 4.6 years ago

    I don't like Minecraft.

  • Night Carrier Landing (without interface) 4.6 years ago

    Under my previous video of landing on the aircraft carrier in the comments I was told to repeat it without a guidance marker. I went further, and landed the plane without an interface at all, but in the first person.

  • Night Carrier Landing 4.6 years ago


  • Night Carrier Landing 4.6 years ago

    Is this slang?

  • MJ-29 'Courier' 4.6 years ago


  • Friends, I decided to do a census. 4.6 years ago


  • Friends, I decided to do a census. 4.6 years ago

    40 Frenchmen.

  • Friends, I decided to do a census. 4.6 years ago


  • Friends, I decided to do a census. 4.6 years ago


  • OTO R3 T106 FA (OTO Melara R3 "Capraia) 4.6 years ago

    Thank you, this work moved me to a new level, although the lion's share was made by you, I started to make the body and after an hour of work I spat, and took your armored car as a basis.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago


  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago


  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    The same problems: I am Ukrainian.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    A hacker? I think not, apparently, the destroyer in the game has no details like in the sandbox, even more destroyers and turrets are separate structures.
    The code for turrets is written in C ++, and the code for airplanes made in the sandbox is written in XML. I faced the same problem when trying to make a multi-functional autopilot.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    And who are you by nationality?

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    @officialryanyang @Kakhikotchauri1
    These are codes for rocket and cannon turrets.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    Thanks, what are we waiting for?
    Do you have Microsoft Visual Studio?

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    Oh, I found the code for the eminence of the Second World War, I just can't open it. Please look.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    That's me on the first of May.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    I dug in the code slums of the game and that's what I dug up.
    As far as I understand it is a spawn code and AI control.





    -<member name="T:Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.AI.AIAircraftSpawner">

    <summary>A placeholder class that will spawn an AI aircraft at runtime. </summary>

    <seealso cref="T:UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour"/>


    -<member name="F:Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.AI.AIAircraftSpawner._aircraftId">

    <summary>The unique ID for the aircraft XML. </summary>


    -<member name="F:Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.AI.AIAircraftSpawner._aircraftXmlFile">

    <summary>The aircraft XML file of the aircraft to spawn. </summary>


    -<member name="F:Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.AI.AIAircraftSpawner._initialVelocity">

    <summary>The initial velocity of the aircraft. </summary>


    -<member name="F:Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.AI.AIAircraftSpawner._mode">

    <summary>The aircraft AI mode. </summary>


    -<member name="P:Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.AI.AIAircraftSpawner.AircraftScript">

    <summary>Gets the aircraft script of the spawned aircraft. </summary>

    <value>The aircraft script of the spawned aircraft. </value>


    -<member name="P:Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.AI.AIAircraftSpawner.AIControlledAircraftScript">

    <summary>Gets the AI controlled aircraft script of the spawned aircraft. </summary>

    <value>The AI controlled aircraft script of the spawned aircraft. </value>


  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    You know, the best thing you can do is hover your plane over the mouse.
    You try to contact this guy. MOPCKOEDNISHE
    As far as I understand he is a programming specialist.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    Planes and turrets, it's mine.

  • Joining the AI Turret Development Team 4.6 years ago

    The main problem is that it is necessary to transfer the AI ​​turrets of destroyers to aircraft.

  • Some ideas for a naval update 4.6 years ago

    Such a mod has long existed, who does not know click here: https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/850445/Underwater-Camera

  • Some ideas for a naval update 4.6 years ago

    Dear Enderhawk. If you didn't know, an aircraft propeller does a great job of working underwater, and the steering wheel works underwater.
    Water does not cancel the aerodynamics, it is simply programmed to slow down the plane and shut down the engines.
    So these functions have long been implemented.
    Want to make a mine? Take an ordinary torpedo, cover it with ballast and throw it overboard.

  • Helicopter 4.6 years ago

    Problems with detail.

  • Helicopter 4.6 years ago

    Help with design.

  • VERY HARD - Challenge - WWII Naval Attack 4.6 years ago

    Dear Hpaccelli.
    There is a small rivet in your competition.
    Quote: Allowed, but for rockets and bombs weapon mass and drag should be realistic and proprtional to weapon size, and "Mass scale" for fuel carrying parts should be proportional. Editing guns not allowed (Except for visual characteristics and fire rate within a 30% margin)
    So, when I was making my plane it turned out that in order to destroy the escort, you need the 7 biggest bombs or torpedoes (two for destroyers and 3 for an aircraft carrier). And yet, you evaluate the plane on the proximity to the realities of World War II.
    Duay you understand that a heavy bomber, which has to destroy 3 enemy ships in one flight, could have come to mind only during an intoxication. I do not yet consider the human factor: try to hit the target 7 times in a row with limited ammunition, sitting at the helm of a flying fortress.
    That's what I'm leading: either allow unmanaged rockets and cannons (20 rounds per minute), or cancel the airplane's realistic rating, or eventually allow
    combat operation in several measures.
    Hope you will read and reply to this comment.

  • SkyWolf S-10 4.6 years ago

    Please tell us which mod you used when making these screenshots?

  • Dornier do.31 E3 Bundeswehr 4.6 years ago

    Sorry, what mod was used on screenshots?