181 U227 Comments

  • COLLABORATION 8.2 years ago

    Ok ok anything else I can contact you on? @Matt7709

  • SKILLED PILOTS ONLY- Hovercraft 1.0 8.2 years ago

    Yeah I'm working on it. @Mozilla2020

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    117117 @Smasher

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    Why not be apart of this stuff? @JakeTheDogg

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    Would you like to join man? @Cartera1

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    I emailed you. @Smasher

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    Ey sure, you got an email or kik? Something I can get in touch with you with? @Smasher

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    How so? @JetstreamAeroEngineering

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    Yeah, me n Matt are working on a Plymouth, it's coming along! @Aarons123

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    Yeah we did make a mistake and UP vote OUR creations, because we wahted our subs to see what we were doing, not for some negligent reason. @WalrusManufacturingCO

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    Excuse me got an issue? You see us still up voting our stuff? We had no idea that was against the rules, and now we do, so if you got more personal issues, leave unless you have anything positive to say. @JetstreamAeroEngineering

  • HEY U227 WANTS Ü. 8.5 years ago

    Well let me tell you what you'll be missing out on, pro tips, great collaborations, we are currently working on A Plymouth, you'll also get to view and be apart of this great adventure. That's what will happen if you join. I like your planes, I want your talent on U227.

  • COLLABORATION 8.5 years ago

    Sure it was the right email? Check spam and other stuff. @Matt7709

  • COLLABORATION 8.5 years ago

    I emailed you. @Matt7709

  • Can rage5896 please be unbanned? 8.5 years ago

    And I emailed them.

  • Can rage5896 please be unbanned? 8.5 years ago

    Oh rage got kicked out, and it's just me(Spifey) n Matt

  • COLLABORATION 8.5 years ago

    Ey you got an email or something to get in touch? @Matt7709

  • Can rage5896 please be unbanned? 8.5 years ago

    Amen @KnightOfAraluen

  • Can rage5896 please be unbanned? 8.5 years ago

    Look, all i want is to access my creations so i can play them @joeysellers so can i at least have them kept posted so i can download them if i want to?

  • Can rage5896 please be unbanned? 8.5 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 did you read that i have parental consent? I didnt know to put that into the bio. Nvm. @joeysellers

  • *FIXED IT 8.5 years ago

    Ok,ok i get it this is annoying right? But ONE more thing i promise, the controlls are the way they are because when crawling, not only do you need max steering controllability, you have to feather the throttle or you will go flying. The extra power is just for steep hills

  • *FIXED IT 8.5 years ago

    One more thing, if any of my creations have the work rock in the desc or title its mad strickly for proving grounds. Not high jumps. I test and tune based on what it does when crawling, turning, and going up steep hills. Still, thanks for thinking of ways to improve it. I hopefully will be comelpetely done with it soon and it like always will be fixed more if not comepletely. And like i said, anything with rock in desc or name doesnt have the ability for high speed turning, and/or jumps. Thank you once again sir.

  • *FIXED IT 8.5 years ago

    Also, once i get some things worked out with my acc, i will finish the back. I havent done the back yet for i have not had time. Thats probably one reason it wasnt working. Also, on all of my builds, i finish framework and suapension first, then i make all of the little things fixed.

  • *FIXED IT 8.5 years ago

    Hello, i am rage. I am just on a collab account. Can you tell me exactly what you fixed?

  • Help please! 8.5 years ago

    So please, if its possible, could you make me and my family happy again? I used to play gta but i was acting up in school so i have since not been able to play that game so i play this and even know it doesnt have online its still WAAAY more fun than gta. Once again thanks


  • Help please! 8.5 years ago

    without parental consent, please contact us. When i created this account however, i asked my mom and she asked what it needed and i showed her privacy she said thats fine with her. Infact, now that i think about it i remembered her saying "Whats this 13 years or older thing?" So i asked her "What?" And she said oh, nevermind, it says with parental contact its allowed. I show my mom everything i do on this account and shes forever asking me how i do it. Sometimes my dad gets on this account and drives my rockbouncers because his brother has one that he sold and he says "woah, this brings back memories".

  • Help please! 8.5 years ago

    @TheLatentImage ok, so i just took a look at the privacy policy and found that 13 or older thing and below it it says

  • Help please! 8.5 years ago

    Also yes, i am completely sorry about the upvote thing. I know its thw rules of the website but at the time i forgot. Sorry.

  • Help please! 8.5 years ago

    Oh nvm. I cant. My acc is banned
    @thelatentimage sorry. I would if i could. Look, i dont personally care about upvotes and all that i just mainly post so if i go on a diff platform or something, i can still use my planes. Please, if i can have my acc back, ill make a copy of all my airplanes/vehichles and make them private. Please. I just want to have fun with my creations and if i cant get to my ones that actually are private then i cant finish/improve them for my own good. Thank you for your time.

  • Help please! 8.5 years ago

    Still, can is there any way i can have a way to atleast save them so i can play them? @Thelatentimage Also i rage5896 last time i checked didnt upvote it and if so ill take it off