15 UltiMultiGamer Comments

  • Battle Bus 5.9 years ago


  • ALX-Neuron 5.1 years ago

    @Insmallsky here https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/8RTq08/Neuron-B-Advance-Smart-Fighter
    but as i said, a little different

  • ALX-Neuron 5.1 years ago

    I have seen a similar plane with a similar concept also named Neuron. but this one works better and is more slim

  • M1A2 Abrams (Performance Update!) 5.2 years ago

    just one feature thats a little off is the bore excavator on the barrel of the abrams, irl it is closer to the middle and smaller, otherwise you did a really nice job

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.0 years ago

    Add more water physics, like water splashes when a bomb,plane or bullets hits it, instead of just going right through.

  • [Protomite Corporation] Fang Of Damnation 6.7 years ago

    Very nicely dine.the purple and black does give it a sci fi feel. But there are 2 problems
    1. Manuvering is REALLY hard.
    2. It cannot take off standard runways.
    But everything else is AMAZING